The Notice of Race for the Riccione Grand Prix is now published. The event will take place from 1st to 5th June. Riccione is located along the Adriatic Sea on the eastern coast of Italy. This town of approximately 34,500 inhabitants has been titled the ‘Green pearl of the Adriatic’, owing to its lush green surroundings. The climate of this region is largely affected by the Adriatic Sea and can be visited anytime of the year. The sea breeze has a cooling effect on the summer temperatures keeping them at an average of 21°C. It has developed into one of the most important holiday resorts of the region.

Tourism in Riccione is massive, including mostly young people attracted by the number and variety of discos, on the Riviera and in the city centre. Riccione also attracts families with children, thanks to its theme parks.

The scores of hotels on the Riviera, one next to the other, determine the large amount of tourists flowing there in summer. The main streets of Riccione, viale Dante and viale Ceccarini have numerous night spots, discos, and hotels. The seafront is a long boulevard, a pedestrian walkway and bicycle lane, that reaches up to the town’s end going along by the sea. The town has a history of hosting major international sporting events, and the Formula Windsurfing GP is the next project !

Notice of Race