12:51 | signing off

12:50 | full results soon on www.windbrasil.com

12:50 | prizegiving at 14:00

12:50 | bra 5, pol 10, bra 25

12:49 | Top 5 remains the same

12:48 | por 5, 74, den 13

12:47 | so finish race #15: bra 3333, bra 999, aus 0

12:47 | Steve sneaked into 3rd..

12:47 | Mark 1, last time this year: BRA 3333

12:46 | but then again freud had no typmachine and could not make typo\\\\’s

12:46 | bra 3333 big lead

12:46 | freud would say……

12:46 | big lead bar 3333

12:45 | More than 50 people watching the races from the covered area near teh finish

12:45 | 999, por 5, aus 0

12:44 | mark 2: a bit delay due to slow internet: bra 3333

12:43 | bra 5, 2497, pol 10, aus 120

12:42 | 999, aus 0, bra 25, den 13, bra 74

12:41 | mark 1, second time: bra 3333, por 5,

12:41 | 1/2 way upwind: bra 3333 still in the lead

12:40 | por 5 tacks to starboard

12:40 | and steve dropped his sail at the gybe….

12:39 | por 5, 25, 999, 74

12:38 |

12:38 | on teh downwind bra 3333 leading?

12:37 | wojtek was first but did bearly made the mark and then tripped over the anchorline…..

12:37 | bra 25, por 5 first at mark 1

12:36 | it was not bra 3333?

12:36 | AUS 0 starts now???

12:35 | both recovered fast

12:35 | AUS 0 and bra 3333 crashed at pin-end 2 second sbefore the start, both over port

12:35 | clear start

12:33 | first race worked best for the port starters…

12:33 | fleet is split again

12:32 | Biel is on the beach watching the races….

12:27 | wind stablized around 17 knots. In the first race it went from 5 till 25 according to the surfers. We should not start so early 😉

12:26 | racers are getting ready for the last race of the event

11:52 |

11:52 | last race in 38 minutes

11:51 | pol 10, 2497, aus 120, bra 5, 74, den 13

11:50 | overtaken by aus 0, por 5,

11:50 | POL 10 stuck at mark 1….

11:49 | Finish race #14 after 15\\\\”15 seconds: BRA 999, BRA 3333

11:49 | on his heels now bra 3333

11:48 | At mark 1 last time after a double tack and 14\\\\”10: Wilhelm Schurmann – BRA-999

11:46 | The public and press on tehhe beach have a beautifull overvieuw over the whole course

11:46 | den 13por 5, 2497, pol 10, aus 0

11:45 | followed by 3333 after 40 seconds

11:44 | wilhelm at downwind mark last time after 10\\\\”20

11:43 | 57 seconds later: den 13, 3333, por 5, pol 10, 2497, aus 0

11:42 | Mark 1, second time after 8 minutes 00 seconds: bra 999

11:41 | 15-17 knots gust 20

11:40 | wilhelm meanwhile 1/2 way upwind with big lead

11:40 | aus 120

11:40 | aus 0, bra 5

11:40 | 3333, pol 10

11:39 | den 13, outside wind was a lot better: por 5, 2497

11:38 | 999 first at mark 2

11:38 | bra 74 in a lull

11:38 | wind seems to have dropped a bit

11:37 | 74, aus 120, 3333, 2497, por 5, bra 25, bra 5

11:37 | aus o first from starboard starters

11:36 | denm 13 and pol 10 all port starters

11:36 | bra 999 in first at mark 1

11:36 | starboard starters have tacked

11:35 | port starters started behind all the rest, leaded now by Pol 10

11:34 | clear start, with aus 0 at the pin on full speed over starboard

11:34 | last minute

11:34 | port means lift from the shore but at leats two tacks

11:33 | starboard means only one tack

11:33 | fleet 50-50 over both ends..

11:33 | we start with very short upwind……fun at mark 1

11:32 | did I miss Gabriel Browm this morning? I have not seen him yet

11:31 | more and more surfers go to port start side

11:30 | 1/2 fleet on port 1/2 on starboard

11:30 | class flag is flying for race #14

11:24 | +5 knots and we have the wind in Flecheiras where the IFCA slalom World Championships will be in 2 weeks! still a few places left on the daily growing entry list

11:19 | average windspeed 18 knots, gusting 24, sideshore wind. This is what we normally have every day end of November.

11:10 | AP down on the beach

09:03 | The course is almost the same as yesterday but we loose the downwind gate and replace it by a normal mark

09:02 | skippersmeeting at 10h30, first race at 11h30, last race at 12h30, prizegiving at 14h00

09:01 | the time before the messages is correct…..

09:01 | good morning from Fortaleza. last day of FW GrandPrix