16:28 | signing off

16:28 | tomorrow skippersmeeting at 11h30, first start at 12h30

16:28 | all further detailed results on www.windbrasil.com

16:27 | wojtek did not have his best day of the year on teh water..

16:27 | 1. bra 50 – 7 pts

16:27 | 2. bra 3333 – 14 pts

16:27 | 3. aus 0 – 16 pts

16:26 | 4. por 5 – 20 pts

16:26 | 5. bra 74 – 24 pts

16:25 | no change in overall results after race 6:

16:24 | 74, 2497, 999, 3333, bra 5,

16:23 | finish: Bra 50, aus 0, por 5

16:22 | soprint to the finish

16:22 | mark 1: bra 50, por 5, aus 0

16:20 | last tack for steve followed by Biel

16:20 | Steve still in the lead

16:20 | 999 and bra 5 also

16:19 | 50, 74 and 3333 follow

16:19 | AUS 0 tacks early

16:18 | evrything is still open….one bad upwind….

16:18 | 7 seconds lead for aus 0 on 74, 50, 999, bra 5, 3333 and por 5 at mark 2 last time

16:16 | for brazilian standards the wind is low…

16:16 | 999, aus 120

16:15 | 2497, bra 5

16:15 | 50, 74, por 5

16:15 | mark 1 : aus 0,

16:12 | bra 50, 74, 999, 3333, 5

16:11 | mark 2 after 6\\\\’42 seconds: aus 0, por 5,..

16:10 | steve and miguel far ahead

16:10 | 3333, pol 10, aus 120

16:09 | 50, 999, 74, bra 5

16:08 | por 5 in second

16:08 | aus 0 clear ahead now

16:06 | field spread over the water, seem slike the outside got a lift

16:06 | sme people could not make it over port and had to tack to cross the line..

16:04 | clean start

16:02 | 1/2 of teh fleet left, 1/2 right on teh line

16:02 | procedure has started

15:54 | now the head of tehthe boom of Wojtek started cracking so he decided to come back in…all attention now on his last race of the day..wind is down a bit 12-14 knots

15:10 | next start at 15:00

15:10 | 3333

15:09 | 5, 999, den 13,

15:08 | finish race #5: after 18\\\\’58 seconds:bra 50, aus 0, por 5, 2497, 74

15:08 | sprint to finish: bra 50 far ahead

15:07 | and shurmann

15:07 | followed by 2 Melo brothers

15:06 | Mark 1: Bra 50, aus 0, por 5

15:05 | por 5 and aus 0 leaving 2497

15:04 | gabriel comfortable lead, steve, miguela and Victor fighting

15:03 | 74, bra 5, den1, 3333, aus 120

15:01 | mark 2: Bra 50, aus o, por 5, 2497, bra 999 very close

15:01 | pol 10 back to the beach?????

15:00 | markk 1: 50, 2497, aus 0, 999, por 5, 74, den 1, bra 5, 3333

14:56 | mark 2 after \\\\’6\\\\’50: bra 50, 2497, 999, aus 0, bra 5, bra 74, por 5, po-10

14:55 | they are really close to each other the top 6

14:55 | bra 50 moving forward on teh downwind

14:54 | mark 1: 2497, 50, bra74, aus-0, bra 5, 9999, pol 10

14:53 | first time that the outside is better or is it victor

14:53 | looks like victor on the outside is ok?

14:50 | teh competitoirs are this time really spread all over the course

14:50 | clear start 2497 crosses in front of everybody over starboard

14:45 | startprocedure is on

14:38 | Wojtek broke a part of his boom..it\\\\’s repaired now

14:38 | surfers are getting out again for race #5

14:38 | Overal after 4 races including one discard

14:38 | 1. Paolo Dos Reis – 4 pts

14:37 | 2. Gabriel Browne – 5 pts

14:37 | 3. Steve Allen – 12 pts

14:37 | 4. Miguel Martinho – 14 pts

14:37 | 5. victor melo – 15 pts

14:36 | Overal after 4 races including one discard

13:58 | race #5 at 13:45 that is in 45 minutes warning..

13:57 | por 5, bra 5, aus 120, den 13,…..

13:57 | 3333 in third, 2497 in fourth

13:56 | 2497 and 3333 in a sprint

13:54 | Finish race #4: after 21 minutes and 27 seconds: Bra 50, then OCS-er Bra 999, Aus 0,

13:53 | Bra 50 at mark 1 on his way to teh finish now

13:52 | Steve looks to be closing in a bit on Gabriel but he is still ead

13:51 | 2 x OCS for wilhelm in 4 races….we have to wait for race 7 before the second discard comes in and that is only tomorrow.

13:51 | in fifth por 5

13:50 | we left out wilhelm…buit he is UCS, then 3333, then 2497

13:50 | 2nd aus 0

13:50 | one more upwing and then a run to the finish on the beach

13:49 | firts bra 50 again at downwind mark

13:49 | Paolo overtook Victor in the downwind

13:49 | bra 74, aus 120, den 13

13:48 | bra 2497, bra 3333, por 5

13:47 | followed by bra 999, aus 0

13:47 | mark 1 second time: bra 50

13:45 | bra 5,

13:44 | 74, aus 120, den 13

13:44 | por 5,

13:43 | bra 999 (OCS), 2497, 3333, aus 0,

13:42 | huge lead

13:42 | mark 2 Bra 50

13:42 | pol 10 on his way back to the beach?

13:41 | together: 3333, aus 0 en por 5

13:41 | in third 999

13:41 | and double tacks…

13:40 | 2497 obn starboard forces pol 10 and por 5 to wait

13:39 | Mark 1 after 5 minutes: bra 50,

13:39 | 3333 only in 7th?

13:39 | bra 50 is going higher then the rest

13:38 | top group is meeting bra 50, pol 10, bra 9999 seems to be leading

13:37 | bra 957 DNS

13:35 | steven is on the ouside, bra 50 seems to be leading on the inside

13:35 | bra 999 OCS again….

13:34 | individual?

13:34 | internet seems to be working ok today..cross your fingers

13:34 | last minute

13:33 | or is it pin-end over port

13:33 | most are gattering at port end…

13:30 | Wotek is the last to leqave the beach and join the start area

13:30 | class flag is flying

13:25 | almost no whitecaps…something for Miguel, Wilhelm or Steve the lightweights?

13:25 | wind loks light: 10-12 knots

13:10 | AP down on the beach 20 minutes to warning

12:38 | Today the day of the revenge for Wojtek and Steve? they have now all there own equipment, have time to trim it so…lets wait and see

12:38 | the clock before the messages is one hour off so it is now 11:38 here..

12:37 | 3 races today: one at 12:30, one at 13:45 and one at 15:00 local time = GMT-4 or first start within 50 minutes

12:36 | skippersmeeting was quiet this morning: no questions everybody seems to fall in the routine.

Course is published on www.windbrasil.com, also equipment list.