15:55 | signing out

15:55 | tomorrow 3 more races sheduled, skippersmeeting at 11.00 first start at 12.00

15:54 | for full results see www.windbrasil.com

15:52 | overall after 3 = 1st bra 3333 – 4 pts, 2nd bra 50 – 7 pts, 3rd por 5 = 15 pts, 4th pol 10 -17 pts, 5th aus 0 – 18 pts

15:52 | pol 10, den 13

15:51 | 4th por 5, 2497, bra 5

15:50 | aus o, 74 ocs and 999 ocs,

15:50 | finish after 15\\’22: 3333, 50,

15:49 | good tactics of 3333

15:48 | 50 gibed, 3333 gibed a lot later

15:47 | 999, por 5, den 13

15:47 | aus 0 and bra 74 also together

15:45 | cMark 1 second rounding: bra 50, bra 3333 close to each other

15:43 | half way upwind: 50, 3333, aus 0

15:43 | den 13, pol 10

15:42 | 74 = ocs, 999= ocs, por 5, bra2497

15:41 | Mark 2 after 7\\’40: bra 50, 3333, aus 0,

15:40 | pol 10 went to the outside? he told me less than 2 hours ago that the inside is 9/10 better?

15:38 | Rounding at Mark 1: Bra 50, aus 0, 3333, 999, 74, por 5, 2497, den 13, pol 10, aus 120

15:37 | 3333, 2 x OCS and Por 5

15:37 | Aus o looks in first followed by BRA 50

15:37 | DNS Bra 957

15:35 | most on port looking for teh lift. starboard surfgers cross in front of veerybody

OCS: bra 74, bra 999

15:22 | Steve and Wojtek will be finally fully tuned for this last race of the day after sailing 2 races on partially borrowed equipment

15:19 | overall after 2 races: 1st bra 3333 – 3 pts, 2nd bra 999 – 5 pts, 3rd bra 50 – 5 pts, 4th pol 10 9 pts, 5th por 5 – 11 pts, 6th bra 74 13 pts, 7nd bra 2497 14 pts, 8th aus 0 15 ps, 9th bra 5 – 17 pts, 10th den 13 – 18 pts

15:17 | getting ready for race #3

14:36 | next race warning signal at 14h30 that is in 52 minutes

14:36 | aus 0, 2497

14:35 | followed by bra 50, bra 74, bra 999, pol a10, por 5,

14:33 | Finish race #2 after 15 minutes and 34 seconds: clear ahead BRA 3333

14:33 | big lead for Paolo dos reis Bra 3333

14:33 | 999, aus 0, 2497, bra 5, aus a120

14:32 | 50, pol 10, 74, por 5

14:32 | after 12\\’14 : bra 3333 at mark 1 again

14:30 | 74, por 5, bra 50 and pol 10 together on starboard, wilhem mand ste just behind

14:28 | 3333 clean ahead, 50 looks still in 2nd place, the

14:28 | aus – 0, 999, den 13, bra 2497, aus 120, bra 5

14:27 | bra 50, 15 seconds behind, por 5, bra 74, pol 10

14:26 | Mark 2 = 1/2 way after 7 minutes 35 seconds: bra 3333,

14:25 | 3333 extending his lead in the downwind

14:25 | mark 1 : 3333, 50 por 5 and pl 10

14:24 | teh upwind was shortened a bit and the startline adjusted to 15 knots wind

14:24 | bra 5, 9999, 74 and aus 120 in teh second row

14:23 | 3333 annd pol 10 are close

14:23 | por 5 and bra 50 in the lead?

14:22 | steve an brfa 74 tacked before reaching the harbour? teh rest are hoping for teh shore lift

14:22 | Wojtek still on one of steve\\’s sails..

14:21 | Wojtek and steve manged to take their own board that arrived 20 minutes before the start

14:21 | 2497, aus-120 tacked and also coming to the shore

14:20 | 2497, aus-120 and por 5 on starboard over the whole port end

14:20 | clear start, a bit late for the life ticker

13:27 | nest warning at 13:15 thta\\’s in 50 minutes

13:25 | bra 2497, bra 5, aus 0, bra 74, aus 120

13:25 | pol 10, por 5,

13:22 | Finish race #1 after 20 minutes and 9 seconds: Bra 999, Bra 3333, Bra 50,

13:21 | pol 10, por 5, 2497, bra 5, aus-0

13:20 | Mark 2 second time around: 999, 3333, 50

13:18 | Huge upwind again

13:17 | 1/2 wau upwind seems that 9999 is still in the lead, followed by 3333, pol 10, brq 50

13:16 | bra 50 moving up

13:16 | 74, ….

13:15 | followed by POR 5, 2497, bra 5, aus 0

13:15 | Mark 2 = 1/2 way: 999, 3333, pol 10, bra 50

13:12 | paolo and por 5 also close

13:10 | 999 and pol 10 firts around mark 1

followed by 2497 and 50

13:10 | Wilhelm, Victor, Por 5 and BRa 5 close to mark 1

13:09 | Wilhelm is the only one coming all teh way in to teh shore and goit a extra ligft, see if that pays up

13:08 | Paolo and steve crossed also just in front of Victor

13:07 | Wojtek and Wilhelm look the best on the inside

13:06 | Sean also tacked

13:06 | Victor tacks

13:04 | clear start – Victor Melo and Sean O\\’brien going out, the rest comes to the beach average 10 knots

13:03 | last minute

13:01 | Every body ready for a port start….. closer to the beach you get a huge lift

12:59 | will be hard to recognise Steve and Wojtek, they are both using Red Severne sails of Steve since Wojtek his sails haven\\’t arrived yet…

13:00 | 5 minute signal given at 12:00 hous exact

12:44 | BRA 50 is on a Starboard 161, BRA 999 is on a Starboard 160

12:44 | surfers are leaving the beach/harbor

12:43 | not gpa time gps time off course

12:40 | AP down on the beach, 20 minutes before warning signal. We work on gpa time so you can synchroinise your wathes on GMT-3 hours on www.timeanddate.com, Buenos Aires Time

12:38 | 1,4 km upwind is the course, perhaps a bit to much for 12-14 knots. de startofficer Bertand Colfort says its ok.

12:20 | 12-14 knots wind, upwind/downwind course with finish under startboat

12:19 | The course is posted on www.windbrasil.com, equpment list will follow later

12:19 | Skippersmeeting is done: 3 races sheduled today: one at 12.00, one at 13.15 an done at 14.30

12:18 | We have still some brazilians entering last minute the race, waiting for some boards and sails of Polish/Australia team

12:17 | The life ticker is still one hour of it i shere now 11:17, perhaps KJ or ceri can correct?

11:17 | Good Morning from Fortaleze