17:37 | and of course www.windbrasil.com

17:37 | don´t forget to check out sean´s reports on his website and teh video, pictures and full reports on www.formulawindsurfing.org

17:34 | tomorrow skippersmeeting at 11.00, first possible start at 12.00 now it is 16.35 and i´m signing off see you tomorrow

17:34 | bra 50 is moving up after a bad start, promising for day 2

17:33 | provisional overall

1. 999

2. 3333

3. 50

4. 2497

5. por 5

6. bra 74

17:32 | finish race 4: 50, 3333,999, por 5, 74, bra 5

17:32 | hope it stays…

17:32 | internet on again….

17:12 | mark 2: 3333, 50, 999,por 5, bra 5

17:08 | Mrk 1: 50, 3333, 999,por 5, 2497, 74, 5

17:07 | internet bad..

17:07 | bra 50 in the lead on the first upwind

17:07 | clear start, bad internet….

16:57 | Gabriel thinks a little stress went into his forearms

16:25 | getting ready for the last race of the day

16:23 | provisional overall: bra 999, bra 2497, bra 3333, bra 74, por 5

16:23 | 4th: victor mello 2497, 5th bra 74 fabio, por 5, bra 5

16:22 | but first finish of race after 17 minutes 33 seconds : BRA 50, bRA 999, BRA 3333

16:20 | the rest is way behind

16:20 | race 4 will start at 16.oo hours = last race of teh day = in 40 minutes…

16:19 | then 2 Mello brothers, Por 5 and BRA 5

16:19 | all this at mark 1 second time around

16:18 | gabriel stays in front, wilhelm tacks just behind him, paolo in third

16:16 | wilhelm is getting a ift to mark 1

16:15 | BRA 50 increases his lead

16:14 | It seems that the massage of the forearms of Gabriel by hi sfather helped him !

16:12 | Mark 2: BRA 50, BRA 3333, BRA 999, POR 5, BRA2497

16:11 | 2497, 999 and 74

16:09 | Mark 1 after 5 minutes and 45 seconds: BRA 50, BRA 3333 and POR 5

16:08 | POR 5 is there to

16:07 | followed by bra 3333

16:08 | BRA 50 looks good this time

15:51 | clear start of heat number 3 at exactly 15h05 gps time in Brasil

15:51 | wind a little down to 13 knots

15:50 | Gabriel Brown seems to have some problems with his forearms? Last week he became Worlds Champion Formula Windsurfing Youth in Aruarama, is he still recovering from that?

15:49 | still one hour difference between the life ticker clock and the real clock here. we are now 14:49

15:48 | surfers are heading out again for race 3

14:55 | After 2 races: 1st: Bra 999 – 2nd: BRA 2497, ex-aeque 3rd: BRA 74, POR 5 and BRA 3333

14:54 | nest start at 15h00 = in 1 hour and 5 minutes

14:54 | Bra 5, …..

14:53 | fourth is bra 74 his brother Fabio, followed by POR 5

14:53 | bra 2497 victor mello in 3rd

14:52 | 999 in second place

14:52 | 3333 after 17 minutes and 29 seconds: 3333

14:51 | close to the finish of race 2:

14:51 | 3333 is fantastic

14:51 | connection is terrible….

14:50 | first at mark 1 second round was 3333 and 999

14:49 | 2497, 50, por 5

14:48 | mark 2 : 3333, 999, 50, 74, 2497

14:42 | big lead by 3333…..

14:39 | Mark 1: 3333, 2497, 50, 74, 999

14:39 | bra 3333 way in front afetr a disadvantaged pin-end start but big lift on the beach

14:38 | don\\\\\\\\’t look at the times in front of the message they are wrong I have now 13:39

14:35 | race #2 just started clean start..bad wireless connection

14:35 | race #2 just started clean start..bad wireless connection

13:54 | to bring you up to date: gabriel broke a mast an other brazilian in the back of the fleet broke a fin, 3333 had a collision at the start with BRA 2004, BRA 2004 his board is severely damaged…3333 chenged his fin, no protests where lodged. Kurosh is exhausted….

13:54 | to bring you up to date: gabriel broke a mast an other brazilian in the back of the fleet broke a fin, 3333 had a collision at the start with BRA 2004, BRA 2004 his board is severely damaged…3333 chenged his fin, no protests where lodged. Kurosh is exhausted….

13:54 | next start at 13h30 local time

13:52 | 18\\\\\\\\’05 seconds for nbra 999 Schurmann, followed by BRA 2497 Victor Mello, POR 5 Miguel Martinho in 3rd.

13:51 | Finish immenent now

13:50 | bra 3333 and then aut 120

13:49 | followed by den 13, bra 5, bra 74

13:48 | Mark 1 round 2, after 14 minutes and 8 seconds: 999, 50 and Por 5

13:47 | i think he broke his fin

13:45 | gabriel brown broke something, on teh rescueboat now

13:45 | followed by Por 5 DEN 13 BRA 74, AUT 120

13:44 | mark 2: 999, 50, 2497

13:41 | mark 1: 999, 50, 2497 and P5

13:36 | clean start race 1

13:35 |

13:34 | one minute to go for start race 1 at Brazilian championship FW