17:30 | Final results:

1st place: Janis Preiss (LAT 23), 2nd place Martin Ervin (EST 202), 3rd place Erno Kaasik.


We thank all the competitors!

17.00 | Final results as soon as possible.

16.55 | AP and alpha are up. NeilPryde Baltic Cup 2010 final event is done.

16.10 | RACE FOUR. First finisher – Ervin (EST 202), second Preiss (LAT 23) and third on Kaasik (EST 2).

16:05 | RACE FOUR: 2nd (down wind) mark: 1st Preiss (LAT 23), 2. Ervin (EST 202) and 3rd Kaasik (EST 2).

15.20 | AP is up again. The competition will go on

14.24 | it`s time for lunch. After that one more race to go.

14.08 | 3rd race: 1. Preiss (LAT 23) 2. Ervin (EST 202) 3. Kaasik (EST 2)

14.02 | 3rd race: last mark before the finish: 1st – Janis Preiss (LAT 23), 2nd – Martin Ervin 8EST 202). Fist competitor in B-league has finished the race: Andres Valkna (EST 140).

13.25 | AP is up. Next – 3rd race – at 13.45.

Wind speed is 12 m/s, gusts up to 16-17 m/s

13:08 | 2nd race is finished:

1. Janis Preiss (LAT 23); 2. Martin Ervin (EST 202); 3. Ricards Omanbriedis (LAT 48); 4. LTU 13; 5. EST 789; 6. POL 48; 7. LTU 11; 8. EST 2; 9. EST 44; 10. EST 311.

B-league: 1. EST 140; 2. EST 345; 3. EST 294

13.00 | A- fleet: first finisher Janis Preiss (LAT 23)

B- fleet: first finisher Andres Valkna (EST 140)

12.44 | START for RACE 2! The wind conditions are a bit better now: wind: 7-8 m/s, gusts 9-10 m/s.

11:53 | The AP flag is up.

Second race is underway!

11:50 | Race 1 results:

1.EST2; 2.LAT107; 3.LAT68; 4.EST311; 5.EST233; 6. EST73; 7.LAT23; 8.EST789; 9.FIN96; 10.LAT30

15 finishers.

11-36 | Erno Kaasik has finished the race.

Maris Smiltenieks (LAT 68) crashed just before the finsh line…

11.27 | First race is on and Erno Kaasik (EST 2) was the first one in the upwind mark. Second one was Janis Preiss (LAT 23) and third one Toomas Mölder (EST 44).

11.25 | Gusts up to 29 knots!

Some youth have given up. There is just too much wind for them.

11.20 | START!

06:06 | START!

11.00 | First competitors are running back to shore to change the sails to smaller ones. 9.8 seems to be the most popular size.

05:39 | There is wind…a lot of wind!

10 m/s and gust up to 14 m/s

The Z-flag is up!

There will be 4 races today. 2 races, short break and after that the last 2 races.

Everybody is happy and full of power