The formula fleet is resurging back here in USA, and we are looking forward to huge national (and North American) championships in San Francisco in July. ”

David Wells sent us this latest report from California.

Steve Bodner wins Cal Cup Formula Race Number One April 24th 2010

In light breezes of 10-15 knots Steve Bodner (USA-4) has won the first Cal Cup of 2010.

With a rapidly outgoing tide and seemingly not enough wind for racing Mike Zajicek stood up and asked “Should we Stay or Should we Go?. If the fleet opted for staying than it would have meant being trapped on the beach by the receding waters leaving them not enough water to get out to the course. Staying of course meant well staying. Despite the fact that there was not a white cap in site, and using the usual Cal Cup democratic process, the fleet opted to go for it. Marion Lepert, rising star of the fleet was first off the dock and began the trudge through the mud to get to the starting line. Most of the racers were sporting 11.0’s, which is the big sail for the normally very windy San Francisco Formula Scene, and their 70cm Fins. Lots of new F4 fins were seen on the boards as the Kashy fins seemed to be waning in their dominance out here.As the sailors made it past the corner of His Lordships Restaurant, in Berkeley California, they were pleasantly surprised by the arrival of just enough wind to race in. With usual top sailor Mike Percy out of action due to shoulder surgery the committee boat was certain to be ready for them when they arrived.

Up and coming Formula Sailors Alex Nielsen and Jay Watermeyer made the drive all the way from the Gorge for a one day strafing run at the Cal Cup. Sleeping in the car they were ready for battle with the local fleet of top formula sailors and had their big sails rigged and ready for action. Xavier, from Great Britain but now calling Los Angeles his home, had also made the drive up with Peter Bonello along side of him.

The course was a 2 laps on a windward leward sausage with an upwind gate opposite the committee boat end of the starting line.

Race 1 got off in the newly developing breeze and saw Bodner take the bullet with Mike Zajicek (ML) in second and local legend Steve Sylvester (S3) in third. Zaijcek is not only sailing well this year he is also shaping boards even better. Just last month Antoine Albeau rode his new Mike Z shaped JP formula board to the Formula Worlds title in Argentina.

Race two saw Eric Christianson (44) break through for the win finding the speed and angle that made him the St Francis Yacht Club Formula Racing Champion from 2009. Xavier moved up to second and Bodner dropped to third. Xavier was up from the Los Angeles area with Peter Bonello in tow. Great to see all the folks travelling from so far to make the races but such is the reputation for high quality formula action that can be found at the Cal Cup.

The committee started race 3 but with the wind dying the race was abandoned and Cal Cup Number One was in the books and the day belonged to Bodner

Notable performance of the day however has to go to Soheil Zahedi (A) who sailed down to the race from San Francisco’s Crissy Field and at times was leading the racing action. Save for a mark rounding errors and a sloppy tack he may have won the first race. He must also have been half spent from his very long sail to the race course. Not to mention he still had to sail the 45 minute or so sail back to Crissy Field!

The Cal Cup is a great series for both top formula racers as well as folks just learning to sail. The racing day usually starts with a seminar and there are multiple levels of a racing fleets for the beginners and intermeditates with some of the best Formula racers in the country on hand to help. The Cal Cup even has an equipment lending library to get new sailors on the water. Not many people do more to support Formula Racing in the San Francisco Bay Area than Mike Percy and Jane Morson and all the fantastic volunteers that make the racing possible. Correction no one does more for the sport than Jane and Mike in these parts. Thanks Cal Cup!

Side note Waterhound was Watermutt on this day. Thinking that racing wasn’t going to happen I headed back to the more certain bet of sailing Crissy Fields skunk proof winds. Tail between legs the lesson is learned – Cal Cup almost always races. In my defense this is a photo just before I left. See you at the next race.

Check out Cal Cup on the Web

Read the winners report from Steve Bodner on his blog

David Wells
