The 2º Day starts good, with lots of sun like a summer day, the only diference was the temperature 20º.

The skippers meeting was at 11h 30, and was some changes of the 1º Day, the first change was the course, and the next was the time for the last guy to finish, it was 20 minutes, pass to 15 minutes.

The first start of the day was resechule for 13h00, but the wind didn´t appear, we all wait till 15h00 and some SW wind, appear with 10 knots, everybody goes to the water to start the race. The race start at 15h 30, and when it start the wind goes down to 7 to 8 knots, but the jury continue the race, and only 4 guys could finish in time, was a nightmare for everyone, always pumping and very dificult to go upwind, because all the guys were in 11m, because the forecast was that the wind will pick up, but till that time nothing appear.

The race finish and everyone wait for some decitions of the jury. The wind go complitly down and change to NW and pick up till 14 knts. The 2º race start at 17h00 with good wind, this race was no story, and also the 3ª race of the day had no story, good wind and good races. The 3 races of the day was won by Miguel Martinho.

Results after 5 races