12:48 | BRA 2497, DEN 111, BRA 999, POL 10, NED 13, BRA 74

12:47 | BRA 1, BRA 3333

12:47 | Third and third over all Steven Allen

12:47 | second and second over all ITA 4

12:46 | ON the last leg to the finish: the winner of the event BRA 50 Gabriel Brown

12:45 | AUS 0, BRA 1, BRA 3333, BRA 2497

12:45 | Mark 1: 15\’45 BRA 509 followed by ITA 4

12:45 | BRA lower ITA higher

12:44 | top 2 tacks for the last time

12:44 | Steve in 3rd?

12:44 | ITA 4 fights back….

12:43 | BRA 50 taking the lead. not bad for an 18 year old

12:43 | 3,4,5 and 6 also grouped

12:42 | Gabriel Brown and Alberto Menegatti close to each other….

12:41 | big wind shift to the right

12:40 | BRA 74, BRA 2497, AUS 0, BRA 1

12:40 | mark 2 last time: BRA 50, ITA 4,

12:40 | this was mark 1 sorry…

12:38 | BRA 74, BRA 2497, BRA 1, AUS 0, BRA 3333, POL 10, BRA 999,

12:38 | so mark 2: 8\”45: ITA 4, BRA 50

12:38 | BRA 50 on his heels

12:37 | ITA 4 went to far out, tacked to late….

12:35 | ITA huge lead

12:34 | BRA 50, BRA 74, AUS o, BRA 1

12:34 | ITA 4 big lead at mark 2

12:34 | intrenet problems….

12:34 | mark 1: ITA 4, BRA 50, BRA74, NED 13, POL 10

12:31 | mark 1: ITA 4, BRA 50, BRA74, NED 13, POL 10

12:31 | also NED 13, BRA 74

12:30 | ITA 4, BRA50 come out of the pack

12:30 | ITA 4, BRA50 come out of the pack

12:30 | ITA 4, BRA50 come out of the pack

12:30 | clean start

12:29 | one minute to go

12:24 | Everybody at the pin end,20 knots

12:25 | Class flag is fying on the startboat 5 minutes to go for the last race

12:25 | Class flag is fying on the startboat 5 minutes to go for the last race

12:05 | AP down on the beach

11:51 | results after 14: BRA 50 – 7 pts, ITA 4 – 32 pts, AUS 0 – 37 pts, POL 10- 40 p, BRA 999 – 44 pts

11:50 | nternet very bad…back later

11:50 | AUS o, BRA 999, BRA 1,

11:49 | oeps was BRA 999 not EN 111

11:48 | Finish aftr 18 minutes: BRA 50, POL 10, BRA 3333

11:48 | Finish aftr 18 minutes: BRA 50, POL 10, BRA 3333

11:48 | Finish aftr 18 minutes: BRA 50, POL 10, BRA 3333

11:47 | DEN 111, BRA 1, NED 13

11:47 | BRA 3333in frint of steven

11:46 | BRA 50, POL 10, AUS 0,BRA 3333

11:44 | mark 1 last time going into the slalom:

11:44 | internet not stable….

11:40 | mark: bra 50, pol 10, bra 1,, BA 3333, AUS 0, DEN 1111, BRA 999

11:38 | second time mark1: BRA 50, POL 10, 9 minutes 8 seconds

11:37 | or is it a caddy?

11:36 | Fabio Melo Stopped?

11:35 | BRA 50, PL 10, BRA 1, AUS 0 NED 13, BRA 999,ITA 4at mark 2

11:34 | AUS o BRA 999 inside the rest outside

11:34 |

11:33 | AUS 0, DEN 111

11:33 | POL 1O, BRA 1, ITA 4

11:32 | Mark 1: BRA 50 – red sail

11:31 | interet down…

11:31 | TVseems not to be life, lttle behind

11:30 | clean start

11:30 | alll are taking speed to start

11:29 | one minute

11:28 | less than 2minutes

11:28 | 15-16 knots

11:28 | Most ofteh surfers are at the pin-end

11:26 | 4 minutes

11:26 | http://www.redeuniao.com.br/

and download the mvietool asked

11:25 | 5 minutesflag is up windsringon tv !!

11:20 | AP Down, electricity up…

start n 6 minutes

11:20 | After the football tehFW wll be on. patience…

11:19 | electricity down, will be ok in a few minutes

11:17 | AP is flying on tart vessel

11:15 | wind is gusing fom 18 -25knots, 30 degrees, sunny

11:15 | class flag is up

10:59 | Everybody i heain out for race 14, the starting vessel is oving to a better place…..

10:50 | AP down on the beach. Today all surfers have to check in before each race by crossing the finish line on teh way out to the start. This give some action on the life TV

10:40 | course is set, upwind-downwind with start in teh middle and slalom finish. Life TV. Starts at 11h15 and 12h15

09:59 | be back later

09:59 | skippersmeeting in 16 minutes

09:58 | internet went to the party last night…its not awake yet……very slow