B>17:10 | no protest lodged

provisional results will become final after 7 races

16:00 | overall before protests; Pol 10, BRA 50, ITA 4, AUS 0, BRA 999

15:58 | its possible that Steve Allen will file a request for redress on his OCS

15:58 | end of protest time at 16.55

15:40 | results soon through the office

15:37 | first place BRA 3333, BRA 1, BRA 50, BRA 05, ITA 4..very confusing…not sure about the last ones

15:36 | Finish by steve allen but OCS…..

15:36 | bra 2497, bra 05, ita 4, pol 10

15:35 | after 50 seconds bra 999, bra 74, bra 50, bra 1

15:35 | big lead for those 2

15:34 | mark 2 last time today: (AUS 0), BRA 3333

15:33 | wojtek did a full stop? and restarted…

15:32 | followed by bra 74, bra 50, pol 10, bra 1 = bimba

15:31 | coming together at mark 2; first (AUS 0) then BRA 3333

15:30 | Steve stays on the inside Paolo goes out

15:28 | 13-15 knots

15:26 | mark 2 (AUS 0), bra 3333, BRA 50, bra 74, Bra 999, bra 2497, ita 4, bra 1

15:25 | wind is a bit down and the brazilians bach in the top

15:23 | Mark 1: (AUS 0), BRA 3333, BRA 50, BRA 74, BRA 999

15:20 | Steve is leading in the upwind but….

15:20 | AUS 0….

15:20 | individual

15:19 | one minute to go

15:16 | I-flag is up again

15:15 | 5 minute flag is flying

15:00 | wind is down to 12 knots

14:55 | AP down for the last race of the day

14:43 | back at 15h15 for next start

14:43 | i alspo see BRA 3333, bra 2479, Bra 74, ITA 415

14:42 | Finish: AUS 0, ITA 4, POL 10, DEN 111, RA 50 i think

14:41 | everybody has to tack

14:39 | Steve has to double tack to finish…

14:39 | ITA 4, POL 10, BRA 5,

14:38 | mark 2: AUS 0 nice lead on the upwind to the finish

14:37 | DEN 111, BRA 999, BRA 3333, BRA 1

14:36 | followed after 10 seconds by POL 10, ITA 4, BRA 74 and here comes Brown was not in top 15 on first round….

14:36 | Mark 1 second time: AUS 0 after 11 minutes and 57 seconds

14:32 | BRA 74, BRA 1, ITA 415,

14:31 | Mark 2: AUS 0, ITA 4, POL 10, DEN 111

14:30 | all the surfers that still came to the inside are way back. Steven big lead on teh first downwind with his 11 Severne

14:30 | DEN 111, BRA 74

14:30 | ITA 451 is 5th..

14:29 | BRA 1 on fifth

14:28 | Mark 1: AUs , ITA 4, POL 10

14:28 | The outside paid big this time BRA 50 way back…

14:24 | BRA 74 and BRA 999 also

14:24 | clean start POL 10 and UUS 0 perfect of the line

14:19 | last minute

14:20 | 4 minute flag is the BLACK flag…..

14:19 | 5 minute flag is up again

14:14 | general recall

14:14 | last minute

14:11 | wind looks a bit down..not so good for Albert his small fin…

14:11 | 4 minutes flag up

14:10 | 5 minute flag up

13:50 | ap down so next warning signal at 14:10

13:33 | next procedure at 14:05

13:32 | AUS 0, BRA 74, BRA 999, BRA 2497, NED 13, DEN 111

13:30 | followed by POL 10, BRA 50

13:30 | Finish after 15 minutes and 58 seconds ITA 4

13:29 | BRA 2497, BRA 999

13:29 | DEN 111

13:28 | POL 10, BRA 50, BRA 74, AUS 0

13:28 | ITA 4, Alberto Menegatii back at mark 2

13:27 | BRA 999 fel in the downwind, passed by BRA 3333

13:26 | BRA 50, bra 74, den 111, BRa 999, AUS 0

13:25 | second surfer at mark 1 Pol 10 after 11 minutes and 15 seconds = 47 seconds lead….

13:24 | Mark 1 second time: alberto after 10 minutes and 28 seconds

13:22 | The green sail of Alberto is getting farther and farther away from the pack….what a difference a fin makes…

13:22 | den 111, aus 0, bra 3333

13:21 | a gap of 20 seconds on pol 10, bra 50, bra 999

13:21 | after 6 minutes and 43 seconds at mark 2 ITA 4

13:21 | after 6 minutes and 43 seconds at mark 2 ITA 4

13:20 | ITA 4 is far in front…Simmer Sails

13:20 | oeps pushed twice the button…

13:19 | BRA 2497 looses 10places at mark 1 he had to tack twice and let pas everybody…..

13:19 | BRA 2497 looses 10places at mark 1 he had to tack twice and let pas everybody…..

13:18 | mark 1: ITA 4, BRA 50, POL 10, BRA 999

13:19 | ITA 4 took the wrong fin this morning and had no speed, he\\’s back in the game now

13:16 | beautiful battles on the first upwind with a lot of tacking and covering

13:15 | den 111, ita 4 also good of the line

13:13 | clear start, steve on his severne had a perfect start at the pin-nd

13:14 | Last miniute, again most surfers at the pin-end

13:10 | 4 minutes

13:10 | 5 minute flag is up

12:50 | ap down on the beach, 10 minutes delay due to general recall and small windshift to the left

12:33 | 30 minutes break…

12:33 | BRA 74, NED 13, BRA 2497, ITA 4, BRA 1….

12:32 | Yes: first AUS 0, POL 10, BRA 50, BRA 3333

12:31 | peras steve can make it without tacking?

12:31 | AUS 0 upwind, BRA 50 downwind of him

12:30 | last upwind to the finish


12:29 | Mark 2: AUS 0, POL 10, BRA 50,

12:28 | Mark 2 second time (previous was mark 1 of course…)

12:27 | 2 x Mello, Den 111, BRA 3333, BRA 1, DEN 13, ITA 4

12:24 | mark 2 second time: red Maui Sails of Bra 50, followed by Red Severne sail AUS 0, PL 10 on Neil Pryde in third

12:24 | OCS not identified

12:21 | mark 2: bra 50, pol 10, aus 0, bra 74, bra 2497, bra 3333

12:20 | mark 1: bra 50, Pol 10, bra 74, aus 0

12:17 | it looked that the wind was better on the outside…..

12:16 | Individula Recall

12:16 | most of the racers still on the pin end

12:16 | one minute to go on a longer line and no bias at pin end

12:12 | 4-minutes

12:11 | 5-minute flag is flying again

12:011 | General recall flag is down

12:06 | the race officer decides to move the pin-end mark

12:05 | general recall

12:04 | one minute to go, a lot of surfers at the pin-end, they all want to come to the beach for the first upwind

12:04 | one minute to go, a lot of surfers at the pin-end, they all want to come to the beach for the first upwind

12:01 | 4 minutes flag up

12:00 | 5 minutes flag up

11:53 | Everbody left the Harbour of teh Marina Park Hotel. Less swell then yesterday…but still

11:52 | 17 knots average, gusts to 21

11:40 | ap flag down

11:21 | Skippersmeeting done: 4 races today: 12, 13, 14 and 15 hours, course is published

09:47 | Bertrand Colfort and his team are putting in the new course. Windspeeds 17-18 knots

09:01 | good morning from Fortaleza. Skippersmeeting at 11 hours, first possible start at 12