17:00 | no more racing for today.The wind has not improved and clearly will not before the last possible warning sinal at 18.00.

An opportunity for the competitors to relax this evening and explore a little of this paradise island. We have a good forecast for the coming days – plenty good racing to look forward to.

16:40 | there is still no improvement – a decision may be made at 17.00 – wait a little longer, or finish for today? If you want to see exactly the location of the event beach look for Armacao a village in the north west of the island.

16:15 | sorry for the timing on last few reports – i forget to adjust to BRA time! We have to wait for the wind to improve…

19:59 | the race is cancelled – the wind is very unstable and many places on the course area with not enough wind. The course will also need to be shorter !

19:49 | the wind is 9>11 knots

19:45 | we have a clear start for race 1 of the 2009 Sao Paulo / Ilhabela Grand Prix

19:40 | The course for the day is trapezoid with inner loop. The course has to be set outside a channel reserved for movement of boats – so it is in the middle of the channel between mainland and island

19:35 | the race officer attempted to start race 1, the wind was 8>10 knots , but there is also a strong current of nearl 2 knots . We need more wind to get a good start. Race was abandoned before the start.

15:17 | AP is down – in fact 15 minutes ago. The sailors are in the starting area, which unfortunately is not close to the beach. Wind is around 10 knots – we hope to start racing soon

14:20 | sorry we have nothing to report yet. The wind conditions looked promising as the skippers meeting was taking place – and everyone was getting ready for a first possible start as per the schedule, but….. you guessed , the wind eased off and we have been on hold on the beach since 13.00

09:05 | good morning – a beautiful morning here on Ilhabela. we start registration now and a slight change to the schedule , with skippers meeting at 12.00 and first possible start at 13.00.