Last week in Spain was really exciting for me. We came to Santa Pola with other Polish straight from RSX Olympic Class Worlds which were in Weymouth. All this season I was training a lot, so I felt strong and well prepared for those WorldChampionships in Formula Windsurfing, fast and confident with my tactic, with perfect set of equipment Starboard FW161, and MauiSails TR5. At the very first day of racing it came out that Alison Shreeve AUS911 made huge progress with her speed since last competition in Leba.

So all week we were sharing first places, yelding the palm once to Sarah Hebert ARM1 and once to Aga Pietrasik POL19. I was leading the competition for 4 days to loose my first place 5th day. So from early morning last day of event I was praying for some more wind, to have at least one more race. Wind came just one hour before dead line.

I still can’t believe it! what a deliverance was this last race for me. First thing which came to my mind was : ” This is some special chance for you, from heaven Marta,hehe, you can’t muck up!!!”.I was really stressed not to make any mistake, “just go for it”, especially that I felt really fast in lighter wind which blow that time. I was one point behind Alison that moment and the only chance to got the title was to win this last race.

I handled it, I’m so happy!!! I won this 2009 WorldChamp Title few meters before finishing line, passing Aga at the last gybe. We finished this competition equla points with Alison, what feel even more satisfactory, especialy that Alison is really tough and great competitior, and respect for her that she continued racing with giant cut in her leg. Also huge big up for other girls, Morane, Alice, Sarah, Aga and all the rest, they also did great racing. They are younger and already so good, what is fantastic. In genaral Venue was great , organization just perfect, free food, massages, and entertainment every day. I hope we have more events in Santa Pola in the future. I feel super happy!!!

Looking forward for next year racing. But first some holidays…:)So next week I go to learn surfing to France.

All the best !!!

Marta Hlavaty, POL 111(Starboard, MauiSails, Vattenfall, Ergo Hestia, )