less than eight days to the start of the formula windsurfing festival in Santa

Pola, Spain, culminating in the 2009 Formula World Championships.

The organisers have one aim – to deliver the most memorable championships in the history of the class. Not only should the event live long in the memory of the competitors, but also in the minds of the hosts, the city and the region. Under the direction of club president, Vicente German Martinez Garcia, and with the support of the Major of Santa Pola, Miguel Zaragoza Fernandez, a wide range of supporting activities have been planned to ensure a lasting legacy remains.

Further information can be found on the event website , including :

greetings from the key officials:


details of the itinery:


details of the event village:


info about the official hotel:


help and advice from the event travel agency:


official sponsors of the event:


see you in Santa Pola.