19:20 | registration is about to close. allready 5 girls including Sarah Herbert and 30 boys (BRA, FRA, GBR, POL, ..) registered. Tomorrow morning late registrations ( a lot are still underway) , 11.00 skippersmeetinge and first possible start of Polish FW championship at 12.00.

15:14 | Sunny weather this morning, now the clouds are moving in.

First Brazilians and Britisch surfers spotted in Pobierowo…eating Lasagna and macaroni and admiring the scenery.

Registration start at 16h00 in the Tourist Office, close to the Bus Station in the center of Pobierowo

11:39 | we will try to bring you regular reports from the beach at Pobierowo. Three back to back events in Poland – the sailors will make their way along the baltic coast and into the Bay of Gdansk. Follow the action as it unfolds