Dear friends of windsurfing world, Today it’s time of sorrow for all Italian and international windsurfers, Yesterday late afternoon, during a breath-held diving for fishing in Poetto Gulf, Cagliari Sardinia, our great friend Davide Beverino died.

Davide, aged 28, played a leading role in the history of Italian windsurf in the last ten years. He distinguished himself since late 90’s in young people regattas and he won four times in succession Formula Windsurfing Italian Cup from 2005 to 2008. He stepped on to the podiums several times from 2000 and he was really one of the best Formula Windsurfing and Slalom competitors, well-known at international level. But Davide was especially a nice friend for all people involved in windsurfing world too and we like to remember him smiling when he celebrated his last success.

Due to this tragic event, the managing board of Italian Windsurfing Class Association, according to the local organizer Windsurfing Club Cagliari, decided to stop the Italian Open Formula Windsurfing National Championships scheduled in Cagliari from May 30th to June 2nd.

We will inform you in the next weeks about postponement.”