A very hot day at the Potrerillos lake, temperature soared and a big crowd of people came down for the last day of the event, especially since today was a holiday in town.

There was a long protest hearing during the morning due to the drop of wind on the second race of yesterday (sixth race). I think some sailors where asking for an average points for getting stuck with no wind which altered the race a lot. The Protest comittee decided to invalidate the sixth race…

The wind came in around 1pm and we set out for one race with around 12-15 knots. Pin end favored Gonzalo started right there with myself just behind and Paulao close. Paulo was a bit behind when he tacked and got a good shift on the right side of the course, Gonza and I tacked a few times to stay on the shifts, but it was Paulao that rounded in first the upwind mark followed by Gonzalo who went to jibe right at the mark but hit his boom on the mark trying to clear a raceboard racer, and with this his sail fell in the water, I was close and sneaked in second.

On the downwind mark I rounded in first and kept the lead until the end, Paulo was in second, but Gonzalo overtook him on the last downwind slalom to the finish as Paulao got a light wind spot and Gonzalo came flying down on a gust to take second and Paulo third, Marcos Murgio finished in fourth with Marcos Galvan in fifth.

We went for a second race, I was leading this race until the last slalom course to the finish, then the wind just stopped, Gonza came on a gust and overtook me, he was going to win the race, but it was canceled as the light spot was on a big area of the course and everyone was just floating around.

So this was it for the South Americans. I have to run to the airport to catch my flight.

Thanks to all the people from Mendoza and organizer for putting up a great event.

Wilhelm. 2009 South American Champion.