Winds filled in earlier today after a rainy and stormy night, first start for formula was at 12:00 with again most sailors going for 11s which seems to be the sail for Potrerillos.

First race, winds around 10-15 knots and quite stable and constant, again no one risking and everyone on starboard tack at the start. Going for the upwind, some sailors tacked early and went to the right side of the course.

I seem to have a bit of a amnesia (tiered I guess) and can’t remember how we rounded, sorry if this is not correct, but I think it was Paulo, me, Gonzalo, Rodrigo and Mathias. On the down wind I rounded in first followed by Paulao and Gonzalo, last upwind the same and at the finish was BRA999, BRA 3333, ARG 3, ARG 13, ARG 9, BRA 5 and BRA 767.

Second race got started back to back and the wind started to drop and shift big time. We had a general recall and soon after got under way. Raul Saubidet was getting the good shifts and came almost to rounding the top mark in first, but got the knock just before. Paulao rounded in first, I came in second and Raul in third followed by Gonza.

Rounding the downwind was, Paulao, myself and Gonzalo, Gonza tacked early and I tacked a few meters after, Paulao tacked late and covered us, close to the upwind mark, the wind dropped to almost nothing, we all floated for about 30 seconds, Paulao rounded in first but struggling to plane on a light spot, I managed to come on a gust and on the slalom to the finish overtake Paulao and take the win, he came second, Gonzalo in third followed by Raul Saubidet and Mathias Pinheiro.

We had a break for lunch and set out for the third race afterwards. The wind was light but not as shifty as the second race, I had a good pin end start (all on starboard tack again) and I could see Paulao and Mathias right there with me, Gonzalo tacked early but did not pay off for him, as the right side of the course was very light. I rounded the top mark in first, followed by Paulao, Mathias and Gonzalo, on the downwind it stayed the same, as I tacked going for the last upwind, Paulao went a bit more and it paid off, since he sailed in the gust and overtook me, we had a close battle to the upwind mark, but he covered me well and I missed rounding the mark by a few meters.

Paulao took the bullet, I came in second, Mathias had caught a lot and finish just behind me, followed by Gonzalo, Marcos Galvan and Eduardo Frederico.

Tomorrow will be the last day, with the last possible start at 3:30pm, hopefully we will get 3 to 4 races in, so far we had 7 races with two discard.

Make sure you visit: the official website, with lots of pictures and info.

For pictures taken by Gabriel Palmioli, go to:
