“I have yesterday had a long discussion with Overpower regarding the planned events in Portugal .- ie Grand Prix Sines and Portimao Europeans.

Neither the PWA Guincho Wave nor FW Portrimao events have received final confirmation of support from the POR Tourism authorities; funding that is necessary to guarantee these events.

I have no alternative, at this stage, other than to “postpone”. I would cancel if the authorities had definitely said No – but they have not.

Which is very frustrating for all concerned, not least Isabel and Jose Guimaraes!

This will allow a little more time for Overpower either to confirm or cancel. Postponement will mean selecting a suitable date later in the year; cancelling will mean finding a new organiser .

Either way i intend to allow a minimum 3 months notice of new dates – and any rearrangement will only be confirmed by publication of a Notice of Race.

Sines GP. This event relies totally on the local community. They did a fantastic job finding the funds at short notice last year; i do not want to disappoint again with another low entry. I intend to postpone this event also – in the hope that they may yet be able to guarantee the funding for a 2009 Grand Prix.”


FW Chairman.