End of the 1st day of racing: Provisional results Wilhelm in first, Gonzalo on 2nd and Jimmy on third. Three races were run on shifty 8 to 15 knots.

Very long upwind-downwind course. Around 55 competitors..more news tomorrow..skippers at 9 am..

03:22 | Race 3

The wind dropped so the race committe decided to make the small course option which consisted on 1 lap only and a very short upwind finish after the bottom mark.

The upwind was very tactical and hard to say which side was gona pay off. Gonzalo seemed to be dominanting the first half but then Jimmy going left of the course had a good comeback. Gonzalo rounded on 1st, followed by Jimmy and Wilhelm. Gonzalo sailed into a whole and both ISV11 and BRA999 capitalised and jybe early. It was game over for ARG3 as he got seaweed on his fin and had to stop on the low..the fight was on between Jimmy who wanted a bullet and Wilhelm.

They rounded the bottom gate practically at the same time on opposite tacks. The did around 50 mt and both tack at the same time and it was a sprint to the finish,, probably the most exiting moment of the day. Jimmy on port barely cross the line in front of Wilhelm by 1 board length. Gonzalo took third followed by Steve Bodner.

1st BRA999 (1,2,2)

2nd ARG3 (2,1,3)

3rd ISV11 (3,4,1)

4rth USA4 (5,3,4)

03:19 | Race 2

The wind got stronger, up to 15 kt. Some guys went back and changed to 11s. Jimmy and Gonzalo stayed on 12, Wilhelm stayed in 10.7 too.

This race Gonzalo took a very good lead after the first lap. BRA999 who was quite closed catapulted on the first downwind after hitting something in the water.

On the second upwind Gonzalo far in front just covered Wilhelm and Steve Bodner who was right there hiting every shift.

ARG3, BRA999, USA4, ISV11, and then Steve Silvester.

03:11 | Race 1

Gonzalo rounded on 1st with a big lead while Wilhelm and Jimmy had to double tack the upwind mark. ARG3 sailed into a whole on the upwind so opened the game again for the second upwind.

Gonzalo and Wilhelm battle for the 1st place all second upwind and downwind. Gonzalo opened the lead but it was Wilhelm that took the first bullet taking advantage at the very end that Gonzalo fall on his last tack to the finish. Jimmy was on third quite back followed by Ron Kern who had an excellent race.

03:08 | End of the 1st day of racing:

Provisional results Wilhelm in first, Gonzalo on 2nd and Jimmy on third.

Three races were run on shifty 8 to 15 knots. Very long upwind-downwind course. Around 55 competitors..more news tomorrow..skippers at 9 am..

00:35 | sorry.. but no news yet about racing in miami. We hoped to have live coverage from the event site -but a problem with the internet connection. a report on the first day as soon as we get it.