20:00 | come back later for full report , results and photos.
leading 5 sailors after 7 races – ARG3, BRA3333, BRA50; BRA74, GBR83.
19:56 | followed by Gabriel Browne (BRA50); Paulo Dos Reis (BRA3333); Ross Williams (GBR83), Pawel Hlavaty (POL11), Willhelm Schurmann (BRA999), Victor Melo (BRA 2497) , Fabio Melo( BRA74), Matthias Pinheiro (BRA5), Marco Begali (ITA415).
19:55 | At the finish – ARG – which puts Gonzalo in the lead after 7 races of this Grand Prix
19:52 | at the downwind mark for the last time -ARG3, with 20 secs lead over BRA50, BRA3333, GBR83,
19:47 | This is an impressive lead from Gonzalo-
19:50 | at the windward mark for the second time in this race, and the last time for today, -ARG3, BRA50, BRA3333,GBR83, BRA2497,BRA999, POL11
19:45 | at the downwind mark for the first time -ARG3 , well ahead of BRA50, BR2497, BRA3333,POL11, GBR83, BRA74
19:43 | Gonzalo has a big lead
19:42 | at the windward mark for the first time – ARG3, BRA2497, BRA50, several guys had to make 2 tacks for the mark.
19:37 | it looks as if the left hand side of the course is favoured
19:35 | clear start
19:30 | Warning signal for race 7 -last for today.
19:10 | some news from the beach – Gonzalo changed his fin bfore that race ; and Ross broke a footstrap on the race to the finish. He lost 4 places but climbed back to finish 4th .. just!!
19:00 | After 6 races Paulo and Gonzalo are tied – but gonz has it on the tie break.
18:55 | final race of today will start at 15.30
18:55 | at the finish – ARG3, with clear lead ; BRA2497, BRA74, GBR83, BRA3333, POL11, BRA999, BRA50, BRA5,POL25
18:50 | at the downwind mark for the last time – ARG3 with clear lead , followed by BRA2497, GBR83, BRA3333,POL11, BRA999
18:51 | after the next downwind the sailors have to race upwind for the finish
18:49 | at the windward mark for the second time -ARG3, BRA2497, GBR83, BRA74,POL11,BRA3333, BRA999
18:47 | there may be some changes at the next windward
18:44 | at the downwind mark after one lap the leading sailors are -ARG3, BRA2497,BRA74, POL11, GBR83…but it is very close in the top 8
18:40 | at the windward mark for the first time – ARG3, BRA2497, POL11,BRA999,POL25 ,GBR83, BRA3333,BRA50,
18:37 | the left hand side of the course is favoured this time
18:35 | clear start
18:30 | warning signal for race 6
18:10 | AP down at the beach – the wind has increased a little , but looks good for more racing
17:26 | Race 6 will start at 14.30 local time – come back soon for provisional results . There will be 2 more races this afternoon
17:25 | at the finish-POL25, ARG3, BRA50, BRA74, BRA999,BRA3333,POL1i, ITA415, GBR83
17:19 | now a beat to the finish
17:20 | at the second downwind- POL25, ARG3, BRA50,BRA74, BRA999,GBR83,BRA3333
17:18 | at the second upwind -POL25, ARG3,BRA50, BRA74, BRA3333, GBR83
17:15 | the sailors who went left made a big mistake on the first beat
17:14 | at the first downwind-POL25, ARG3, BRA74, BRA50, BRA999
17:10 | at the first windward – POL25, ARG3, BRA50, BRA74, ITA415
17:05 | clear start for race for race 5… a big relief for our polish friends!
17:00 | Warning signal for race 5
16:50 | a big mistake Ross – leading the race at the second windward mark, he then sailed to the fiish . Unfortunately, for him, ,.. nobody else did!
Paulo sailed a good race – which after 4 races and 1 discard keeps him in first place , ahead of BRA50 and ARG 3 moves into third place. Next race in 10 minutes
16:27 | warning signal for race 5 at 13.00 local time
16:25 | at the finish – BRA3333, BRA74, ARG3, BRA50,POL25, BRA999
16-22 | at the last downwind- ARG 3 ; BRA74, BRA3333
16:17 | ARG3 , BRA74, Ross sai;led the wrong course
16:14 | at first downwind- GBR83 ; ARG3; BRA74;
16:10 | at the first windward- GBR83,BRA50,ARG3, POL25
16:06 | POL11 is over early – todays course has longer beat
16:06 | clear start for most – but an individual recall flag is flying.
15:59 | 1 minute to the start of race 4 – no dramas here this morning ; everyone is ready !
13:28 | good morning for Foraleza. The forecast today .. is for wind ! Skippers meeting is at 10.30. The course of the day will be posted shortly. Racing starts at 12.00 Course for today.