18:48 | Women race finish: AUS-911, UKR-9, ARM-1

18:38 | Women downwind mark: AUS-911, UKR-9, ARM-1

18:24 | Men race #11 finish: POL-10, DEN-111 (BFD), POL-16, ARG-3

18:23 | 5 minutes for the women race#10 start…

18:16 | GBR-83 fall to the water and POL-16 crash his sail… so Ross is out…

18:15 | Down wind: POL-10, DEN-111(BFD), GBR-83, POL-83, POL-16, GBR-3…

18:08 | Men race#11: down wind mark: DEN-111(BFD), POL-10, GBR-83..

18:02 | Women next race in 25 minutes..

18:01 | MEn race #11 start! BFD: DEN-111, BRA-74

17:58 | Men race #11 start in 3 minutes

17:35 | Next men race in 25-30 minutes. Wind is 16-20 knots..

17:05 | Wind is shifty and not stable.. in about 30 minutes will be decision about next races..

16:55 | Women race finish: POL-19, POL-111,UKR-9..

16:45 | Upwind mark: POL-111,UKR-9, POL-19

16:40 | Women race started and… Allison broke the mast!

16:35 | 5 minutes for the start women race #9

16:30 | Race #10 ARG-3, POL-10, POL-16,DEN-111

16:21 | Ladies are sent for the next race…

16:20 | We lost the radio communication … but ARG-3 won the race…

16:07 | First upwind mark: ARG-3, POL-10…

16:03 | Start! OCS GBR-451

15:55 | Starting sequence for the men race #10 will start in 3 minutes..

15:52 | Wind picked up so the men are send on the water..

15:45 | Wind droped … so we are now on stand by…

15:30 | Wind 12 knots… and more stable… AP down… start for the men fleet about 25 minutes…

14:02 | The wind is to shifty and gusty… we are still on hold…

12:18 | Decision is to wait for wind to stabilise… we are on stad-by. Wind is 15 to 20 knots…

Pospondmend for half hour..

12:18 | Wind is very shifty! Race crew try to set the best course…

11:13 | Race crew is on the water setting the course. Wind speed is about 20 knots. We expect good racing! First race will be in about one hour…Please stay tuned..

09:47 | good morning.

skippers meeting will be at 10.00; first possible start 11.00.

the plan is for 3 races for both men and women- followed by a short >>media<< race for the FOD fleet. More info on that race to follow.
4 good races yesterday in challenging conditions – with an upwind finish – not to everyones liking as it was different from the norm.