2008 Annual General Meeting of the International Formula Windsurfing Class to be held on Wednesday 10th September 2008 @ 20.00hrs.

Venue : Pestana Hotel, Alvor, Portimao, Portugal.

AGENDA and proposals.

1)-Welcome, and registration of delegates and votes.

2)-Chairmans Report.

3)-Financial Statement. Summary of 2008 activity to date.

4)-Class Rule changes.

a)- In a series of races competitors are limited to registering 2 fins – amends C.1.1.(a).

b)- In a series of races competitors are limited to registering 2 sails – amends C.1.1.(a).

5)-Championship Rules amendments.

a)- No maximum number of races per day; see guidelines for Class Representative at events (appendix A)

b)- Maximum 5 races per day if behind schedule to complete series.

c)- Maximum 3 races back to back if behind schedule to complete series.

d)- Maximum 4 races in qualification series before split to Gold and Silver.

e)- Revise prize money split between men and women(appendix B)

f)- Committee to finalise new Championship Rules for 2009 >2012.

6)-Future Events. An update on championship venues and the Grand Prix World Tour.


a)-The existing committee are standing down, and the following are offering themselves for re-election: Ceri Williams; Markus Huhtinen; Phil McGain; Ian Fox; Andrea Cucchi; Didier Flamme. Steve Bodner (USA) was co-opted and is offering himself for election. Alain Enault (ESP) is nominated for committee. Ceri Williams is candidate for Chairman. See appendix C.

8)-Any other business.

a)-ISAF Series Production Board Rules. It is proposed to change the registration period from 2 years to 4 years.

b)-Formula One Design. Progress on the FOD proposal for 2012 Olympic Games

c)-Youth Policy. A discussion – “Is a change of policy needed; is FOD the answer?”


Delegates are appointed by member national associations, and have one vote (as do committee members); but may represent other member associations from whom he or she has received a proxy vote mandate.

#7.7 …”A Delegate or Committee Member can have at most, 3 votes: his/her + 2 proxy votes.”


A. “No minimum for races per day. However if the forecast is good for all days no point to race 6 races the first 3 days…But no wind on 4 of 5 days, then I find it important to get the MAX we can get. Although 3 max for a valid championships is still okay, if 6 can be done, we should do it to get a quality championship.”

B. – To avoid an unfair split:

1/ The women should be offered fixed level of prize money in the contract to any event, and the organizer should put an extra amount for them.

2/ There should be Women representing at least 6 nations to validate the distribution of the official prize money.

“We are 120 guys for a European Championships and about 70 for a Polish GP. In Poland there are 9 POL and 1 AUS. At the Europeans 2 nations… Men are representing most EU nations and show up to most GP events. In Portugal there were no POL women and only 1 AUS. Money should be awarded to those supporting the tour.”

C. Willhelm Schurmann and Sarah Sherwood are standing down as Men and Women Sailor Representatives. New representatives will be elected at meetings of sailors during the Championships.

Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected by the AGM. If you vote by email you may vote for any member of committee for these positions.




