16:06 | I am afraid that is it for this event – we do not have time to validate these championships. The prize giving will go ahead – but no european titles this year. The organisers have done everything expected of them ; unfortunately this championship will be remembered for lack of wind.

15:57 | the wind has increased a little …are we going to get racing in at the last moment ?

15:30 | We are running out of time – we have only a light 3/4 knots . The race Committee have been sitting on the water hoping for an increase and ready to set a course .Last possible start is 16.55

11:49 | still waiting for wind -the morning light breeze has changed direction as predicted. now all it needs to do is build sufficiently for racing !!

09:30 | welcome to day 5 and d day! we had an earlier skippers meeting but as yet no wind. we have 8 knots forecast for around mid day from the south