18:10 | what A Fantastic last race -they finishers the race in 20 knots and a very bumpy sea !
18: | first finishers race 13 -POL10,GBR83,AUS0,POL11,ARG3,ITA456
17:46 | clear start for last race of this championship-one ocs -GBR451
17:45 | the last race -race 13 will start at 17.45
17:31 | POL10 won race 12 -AUS0 second ; many sailors could manage the increased wind with 12.0 sails,#
17:12 | gold at first lap – ARG3,POL10,AUS0
17:10 | POL111-marta Hlavaty wins womens fleet race 11 -and is european champion
17:05 | Gold fleet have started -the wind has increased again -some sailors will have too big a sail !
16:49 | silver fleet have finished – another bullett for Begalli
16:55 | gold fleet are in sequence for race 12
16:42 | clear start race 11 for silver -girls are in sequence. steady 12 knots
16.15 | wow!! the wind is now 15>18 knots and sideshore. We may have some more racing today
15.50 | we are still waiting for the wind to return. the plan is to complete race 11 for silver and women ; then 2 races back to back for Gold fleet
14.17 | we have postponed for 1 hour,next announcement in one hour
13:45 | silver and women postponed on the water . the wind has dropped to 6 knots and is very shifty!
13:29 | silver and women called out for race 11
13:20 | first finishers ARG3;AUS0,ISR1,GBR83,POL11,
13:15 | it is very difficult to get news of the race !
13:03 | first upwind -DEN111, GBR83, ARG3, ISR1, ITA1, AUS0
12:55 | race 11 is started – LAT107 is ocs
12:40 | general recall on first start for Gold race 11
12:35 | the sailors are so far from the beach it is difficult to get communicatiion to the beach !
12:15 | the wind is offshore , the course is far out to sea but in wind of 10>13 knots
11:55 | 15 minutes to the warning signal for gold fleet race 11
11:42 | so far this morning the wind is unsettled ; but in the last 15 minutes the wind has swung more offshore and increased in strength. While we were waiting for the next announcement all the competitors and officials assembled for a group photo in front of the main stage