The weather is gorgeous here in Leba (Poland) for the Formula Europeans. It’s been windy up to now except today for the first day of the contest. Never mind, there are so many beautiful girls on the beach!

UK riders are Ross Williams, James Briggs and yours truly. The set up is amazing as always at Leba. The event is huge with big marquis for organisers, sponsors and internet cafe. There’s a massive stage on the beach for parties, bands and giant aerobic classes. With 130 entrants from all over the world, it shows the widespread appeal of Formula.



Ceri day reports

18:18 | thatisit for today ! the wind did not show . we are back tomorrow ar 10.00 for skippers meeting. come back for some sailors reports from today , photos and equipment list

15:27 | the wind has improved a little . We have 5/6 knots now NNE. next announcement 16.00

13:28 | we have a beautiful sunny day here in leba , but the wind is only 4/5 knots . the forecast is better , but the wind has not yet filled in.The entry list is published -we have 137 competitors from 27 countries representing 4 continents. next announcement at 14.00

07:41 | good morning -and welcome to the first day of racing at Allegro European Championships, Yesterday was a very busy registration day – over 130 competitors from 26 countries. We have a few late arrivals to process this morning -those with nightmare travel stories to tell! Skippers meeting is at 10.00; first possible start 11.00. full details of event entry and the split of mens fleet for todays racing will be posted soon.