15:31 | come back soon for full results and photos ;and another video clip from bogo later this evening. Tonight there is party at Futura Beach – no doubt some may save themselves for the last days racing – but i think most will be out to enjoy the evenings festivities.

15:30 | a great race from Wojtek to hold off Antoine wjho was looking unbeatable

15:26 | at the finish – POL10; POL16;FRA192; BRA 74; ISR1FRA421; BRA 717 ;ARG3; NED13

15:24 | Nowi am not sure if its isPOL11 or POL16 !!

15:22 | at Mark 1for last time today -POL10; POL11 just ahead of FRA192; BRA74; ISR1

15:21 | At the gate on theupwind =POL10; POL11BRA74; FRA192; ? ; ISR1

15:21 | At the gate on theupwind =POL10; POL11BRA74; FRA192; ? ; ISR1

15:17 | after 1 lap – POl 120;POL11;BRA74

15:15 | at ark 1 – POL10;BRA74; NED13

15:13 | no change in wind conditions – nice wind ; sunny day perfect filming conditions for the 3 tv crews attending the final days of the championship

15:09 | clear start for race 13

14:51 | I flag up

14:41 | 15 minutes to next warning signal – and the last race of today.

14:37 | at the finish -AUS0; FRA192; BRA333; BRA999; ISR1; BRA50; POL11

14:34 | Downwind gate – AUS; 0; FRA192; BRA3333; BRA50; …..ocs confirmed for FRA421; ARG3;and they are in lthe leading group!!

14:30 | at the gate on the upwind -AUS0; BRA3333. FRA192

14:30 | at the gate on the upwind -AUS0; BRA3333. FRA192

14:28 | At the leewardmark -FRA192 moves p to 3rd place

14:27 | At the gate first downwind -AUS0; BRA3333; BRA50; FRA192; ARG3

14:22 | At Mark 1-AUS0;BRA3333; BRA50

14:21 | individual recall at the start

14:13 | 1 minute to start of race 12

13:23 | We havehad a short break and now we have 2 more races , back to back . Wind is still average 14 knots .

13:02 | top 3 in race 11 confirmed as- FRA192;AUS0;ARG3

12:54 | at the finish – ARG3 ; AUS0; FRA192; could be any one of these 3 – i cannot be sure from this angle !!

12:53 | POL 16 made amistake at the 2nd upwind mark -ARG 3 from AUS 0

12:51 | 2 passing of the gate – POL16;ARG3;AUS0; DEN111;BRA2479;BRA999;FRA192

12:43 | at the gate for first downwind- POL16 ARG 3 ;AUS0;

12:32 | Race11 is started – individual recall isup

12:31 | We are 5 minutes away from the start procedure for race 11.Wind is average 14 knots.

10:50 | Hello from Fortaleza. Another windy and sunny day here. Skipper meeting is done and we wait for first races today. The schedule is to make another three. Here is course of the day.