16:12 | At te finish -FRA192;DEN111; POL25; BRA3333; ISR1

16:13 | come back later for full results ; photos and more

16:12 | firs fiishers – FRA192;DEN111;POL25; BRA3333;ISR1;

16:01 | after 2 laps – FRA 192; DEN111; POL25

15:57 | Mark 1 for the 2nd time – FRA192;AUS0; DEN111;POL25; BRA3333; ISR1; FRA421; BRA74

15:52 | after 1 lap-FRA192; ASUS0; DEN111;ISR1; POL25; BRA74; ARG3;BRA3333; POL10

15:48 | At mark 1-FRA192;AUS0;DEN111;ISR1;FRA421

15:47 | clear start

15:06 | we had to postpone the start of race 10; we are now in sequence.

14:57 | Last race for today will start in 25 minutes

14:53 | at the finish – FRA 192; AUS0 ; DEN111; BRA999; ARG3; POL11; BRA74;ISR1

14:53 | at the finish – FRA 192; AUS0 ; DEN111; BRA999; ARG3; POL11; BRA74;ISR1

14:52 | last mark before the finish leg – FRA192;AUS0;DEN111;BRA999;ARG3

14:46 | 2nd upwind–FRA192,AUS0; DEN111;BRA999;ARG3;POL11

14:43 | at mark 3 -FRA192;AUS0;BRA3333;DEN111;ARG3;DEN173;

14:33 | mark 1 – FRA192; AUS0;DEN111;BRA3333

14:25 | 5 mins to the restart

14:23 | The wind during race 8dropped after the start .We are now up to average 20 knots for this race.

14:21 | general recall

14:20 | Sorry we had no internet connection for race 8 .Race 9 is about to start ; the intention is 2 races back to back .

13:18 | Results of 8th race (first today) : FRA-192, BRA-74, ARG-3, FRA-421, AUS-0, BRA-999, FRA-86, FRA-99, BRA-50, POL-25

11:00 | The skippers meeting is done and we wait for the start to race no. eight which should take place around 12:30 (local time). Meanwhile have a look at the video from yesterday and today’s course diagram.