We started with formula with winds guting up to 33 knots (around 25 constantly). Mauro Medina (C11) was overearly but came back to dip the start and clear himself, Gonzalo Costa (ARG 3)did the same, thinking he was over as well, which he wasn´t.

Edward Castillo (COL 1111), rounded the first short upwind in first followed by myself Wilhelm Schurmann (BRA 999) and Ricardo Conde (BRA 8). On the long dowind, Edwar and myself had a good battle while Gonzalo recovered to third on the downwind. On the long second upwind, the wind picked up good and I rounded the upwind mark in first followed by Gonzalo and Edward.

As we started the Downwind, I got cought by a gust and catapulted, by the time I got up, Gonzalo was ahead in first and Edward in second. Gonzalo rounded the last downwind mark in first, I in second and Edward in third. We had a good battle to the finish and I manage to take the race followed by Gonzalo, Edward, Jean Paul (COL 1) and Mathias Pinheiro (BRA 5).

We changed to slalom as the winds where just perfect for it. Most os us where on 7.2

The first final, Gonzalo had a perfect start and lead the race from start to finish. I came in second followed by Mathias and Mauro Medina.

On the second final of the day (round 7), Gonzalo, Edward and I were OCS. Chilian Jose Miranda (CHI 5) took the race win followed by Mauro Medina and Harold Granados (COL314).

On the Third final, I had a perfect start and lead from start to finish with gonzalo coming in second close behind, Edward came in third and Mathias fourth.

The last Final of the day, Gonzalo and I had a big battle to the first mark in which he ended up taking the lead and winning the race, I came in second after a dual battle with Mathias.

The top 10 results for now are:


1. Wilhelm Schurmann BRA999

2. Gonzalo Costa ARG3

3. Edwar A. Castillo COl 1111

4. Jean Paul Liechti COL 1

5. Mathias Pinheiro BRA 5 (first master)

6. Ricardo Conde BRA 8 (second master)

7. Eduardo Herman CHI 11

8. Satiago Enrique Grillo COL 4

9. Cesar Zavala CHI 1

10. Mauro Medina COL11


1. Gonzalo Costa ARG 3

2. Wilhelm Schurmann BRA 999

3. Mathias Pinheiro BRA 5 (first master)

4. Edwar A. Castillo COl 1111

5. Mauro Medina COL11

6. Harold Granados C314

7. Jose Miranda CHI 5

8. Eduardo Herman CHI 11

9. Jose Alfredo COL 2040

10. Cesar Zavala CHI 1

Wilhelm Schurmann