16:07 | final race for masters (race 8) – first finishers : EST2 ,EST202, EST44 no more racing for today .

16:06 | Final race for youth – race 8 is underway – leading sailor- POL192 ,POL18,POL23

15:20 | Finishers for Race 7 women – AUS911 , POL19, ARM1. First junior – GER1001

15:19 | 5 minsto start for race 7 women and junior

15:11 | first finishers -NOR12 (master),SWE13(open) , EST202, GBR451, EST2

15:05 | leading the masters after mark 5- NOR12 ,SWE13,EST202

15:00 | race 7 masters/open- clean start and leading at first mark- NOR12;EST202,EST44

14:59 | Women have just been sent for the last race of the day

14:58 | Wind is very gusty, 10-15kts

14:57 | Clear start for race 7 Masters.

14:45 | first finishers race 7 for youth – DEN150, POL18, ESP16

14:43 | leading sailors -DEN70, POL18,ESP16,POL23 at first mark

14:22 | race 7 for youth in 4 minutes- after this race the sailors get a second discard .

the start is undera black flag

14:17 | first finishers race 6 – GER10001,AUS 911,ARM1

13:59 | Race 6 women and junior- first at mark 3 -GER1001 and AUS911

13:44 | First finishers Masters/Open Race 2- DEN111 (open), NOR12 (mastr) POL127 (open)

13:38 | first finishers race 6 youth – POL239, POL192, FRA14

13:36 | Clear start for the masters

13:12 | At the moment there is 14knots on the race area

13:04 | first finishers women – AUS911,ARM1,POL19.

General recall race 6 youth

12:57 | 4 minsto youth start race 6

12:49 | leading sailora: GER1001(junior) ARM1 (women ) AUS911,FRA 804, POL19

12:48 | youth race 6 in 15 mnutes

12:24 | women and junior clean start race 5

12:00 | correction – SWE 13 first open ;POL127 2nd open.

First master -GER66-followed by GBR451

11:40 | first finishers Masters – SWE13 ; GER66; GBR451

POL127 (first open was between SWE13 and GER66)

11:21 | masters race 5 started- clear start on the I flag

11:07 | there is a delay for the Masters start. Marks are moving so the courseis being reset.

conditons are \\\\”challenging\\\\”- 20knots and waves all over the course.

10:39 | first finisher youth r5- POL18, FRA14, DEN70, POL739

10:38 | youth race 5 started line clear

10:17 | AP down for Youth -5 mins to start of youth race 5

10:13 | first finishers race 4 women – AUS911;ARM1, POL19

10:06 | a delay in the start of race 5 for youth – the wind has shifted and the course needs to be altered

10:00 | first finishers in race 4 – women AUS911 ; fe Junior GER1001

09:59 | 10 minutes to warning signal for youth

09:49 | leading sailors on mark 3 – AUS911,ARM1,POL19-

and in fe junior -GER1001.

wind is 14 >16 knots with gusts of 20..

09:48 | Day 4 – race 4 for women and junior fe a clear start. we have a good wind forecast for the whole day .