16:52 | no more racing today

16:30 | finish last race – rAce 4 for master – LAT13 , POL40, GBR451

16:25 | youth finishers race 4 – POL18,POL192,POL23

15:13 | race3 women – AUS911,POL19,ARM1

15:10 | sorry a correction Race 3 Masters – NOR12, LAt13,EST202, SWE13,SWE876

14:42 | first finishers race 3 -masters – EST202, SWE13, SWE876

14:25 | first finisher race 3-youth- POL739,POL18,GBR32

14:12 | ITA 636 -OCS race3 youth-

14:04 | first finishers race 2 women – AUS911,ARM1,POL19

Race 3 for youth to start next.

13:16 | Mastrs finish race 2 – EST202, NOR12,SWE13,LAT13

12:30 | First finishers Race 1 women- AUS911, ARM 1;

first finishers youth race 2- DEN 70, FRA14, POL18

Masters race 2 to start very soon

12:06 | women clear start ; youths called out for race 2

12:02 | women and junior – general recall for restart of race 1

11:46 | first finishers race 1 masters -SWE13,LAT13,SWE876,EST202

11:29 | first finisher race 1 SWE13 followed by LAT 13

11:20 | first rounding mark 4 – LAT13,EST44,LAT102,NOR15….

11:16 | clear start for masters and open

11:15 | irst race for women /fe junior was timed out – race is abandoned

11:14 | we are in sequence for start in masters /open- first start was a general recall, racers now under a black flag

11:03 | leding racers race 1 youth – NED777,ESP16;POL18,FRA52,FRA804

10:56 | correction -first finisher NED777

10:33 | sorry for the slow report – first finishers race 1 youth – POL21\\; NED777

10:22 | clear start for youth . the wind is gusty -but for the moment we have enough wind.

09:55 | youth start was abandoned – but now they are back in sequence for restart. the wind dropped during the womens race – we can expect a protest !

09:43 | warning signal for youth first race .

chek the course -http://www1.neti.tv/surf1.asx

09:42 | good morning from Tallinn- we have wind and first race for Women has started . Youth are starting thir first race very soon.