17:20 | Race 4 for blue has started
17:12 | Race 4 yellow-first finisher : POL16 ;GBR83;AUS0
17:08 | RaCE 2 for women- POL19 ;ARM1
Race 3 women – ARM 1 ;POL19
big fight another race soon !
16:54 | Yellow racng -race 4 -leading boards :POL16;GBR83;AUS0
16:48 | the internet connctio went down!!
We tried race4 for yellow but abandoned after stat .
Now they try for another start
16:08 | RAce 3 bluefleet is started
15:40 | first finisher yellow fleet-DEN111;NED2;AUS0;POR78;ESP16
15:39 | leeward mark AUS0 ;POL16 ;DEN111;NED2;
15:38 | NED 2 first to windward mark.
The racing is right off the beach with start line parrallel to beach and in front of spectator seating .
15:34 | 20 minutes to blue fleet start -and possibly a valid camponship!
15:19 | First start yellow race 3 -general recall; now black flag start .
Clean start -except GBR451
15:04 | Race 2 -blue fleet finish :ARG3 ;FRA421;BRA999;DEN288;POR5
yellow start in 5 minutes
14:47 | yellow race 1-GBR83;NED2;NED6;POL5;POL1;AUS0; blue fleet first to mark-ARG3
14:47 | yellow race 1-GBR83;NED2;NED6;POL5;POL1;AUS0; blue fleet first to mark-ARG3
14:35 | we have an average of 9/10 knots all over the course area.Yellow fleet are finishing ;blue and women start together soon
I am sorry i do not have news of the first finishers !
14:03 | start for yellow ;blue fleet are going out
13:54 | AP down- yellow fleet going to the water
13:50 | at last the wind is picking up ; sailors are rigging and maybe we will be racing soon.
The wind is side onshore in the right direction to give a possible thermic boost to the forecast 5/6 knots.
At present the wind is7/8 knots .
Lots of people visiting the beach today ; a big stage is prepared for the prize giving and a rock concert to finalise the championship.