15:41 | a great opening ceremony, with many colurful performances; mixture of modern and traditional dance and music; speeches , of course ; and fireworks / laser show to finish.

The highlight of the evening- traditional “mixing of the waters”ceremony, emphasing harmony and friendship. One sailor from each participating nation enters on stage to add some water ( token from the waters of each continent and country ) to the mixing bowl -symbolising the blending together of different nations in sport , through windsurfing and the sea.

Tomorrow- final registration in the morning and practice race in the afternoon. Full and detailed competitor list tomorrow.

09:37 | Everybody working hard on the final preparations for the opening ceremony .It will be covered live on national TV.

There will be included a special “mixing of the waters” ceremony -one sailor from each country will take to the stage !

05:44 | Last few competitors have arrived at the venue-including Jimmy Diaz, PWA Chairman. They have been greeted by a good breeze , which is encouraging as the sailors that arrived early were faced with days of light or no wind !

Live webcam now up and running – national racing this afternoon;official opening ceremony tonight .