16:34 | provisional ranking after 7 races forMaster – 1 NED1111 (7pts) ; 2 DEN173 (8pts); 3 LAT13 (13pts) ; 4 POL40 (15pts) ; 5 EST202 (17pts)
16:32 | First finishers Masters race7 – DEN173, LAT13,EST47,NED1111
16:26 | Provisonal positions after 7 races for Youth :
1)- POL18 (5pts) ; 2 POL220 (11pts) ; 3 NED8 (17pts)
Last race today for masters is underway.
16:23 | Race 7 for Youth – first finishers; POL220,ESP16,POL18,FRA10,BEL7,BEL6….
16:14 | at first downwind -BEL7,POL220,POL18,ESP16,BEL6
15:52 | 10 mins to the last start or Youth today -the second discard now comes in
Windspeed – 10knots
15:45 | Race 7 for FE -first finshers : FRA11,FRA69,FRA75,BEL80.
Last race for fe today -provisional overall results show : 1 FRA75 (7pts) ; 2 FRA11 (8pts); 3 BEL 80 (16pts) ; 4 FRA9 (18pts); 5 PER111(19ts)
15:11 | Race 6 masters- first finishers: POL40,EST202,LAT13,DEN173,NED1111
one more race for Youth ,Masters , and FE
15:05 | Race 6 for Youth -first finishers : POL 18,POL220,ESP16,FRA10,POL739,NED8
14:55 | that is the last race for juniors today -provisional results after 6 races : 1 NED777(8 pts) ; 2 POL23 (8pts) ; 3 GER220(21pts) ; 4 GBR323 (27pts) ; 5 ESP80 (32pts)
14.45 | Youth fleet just started race 6-wind still 9 knots , but very stable and good racing conditions.
First finishers race6 : Juniors POL243,NED777,POL23;…FE FRA 75,BEL80,FRA11
13:48 | Race 5 finishers …
Youth – POL18,POL220,BUL8,POL192,ESP16,NED8
Masters- NED1111,LAT13,EST 202,POL40,DEN173
13:15 | the start is delayed -the wind is around 8 knots
13:05 | first finishers race 5 : FE- BEL 80,FRA75;
formula junior- POL23 ,NED777,GBR32
Youth race5 about to start
12.55 | some poblems with the internet!!
race 5 underway -eadin sailor FE is FRA 75 ; first formula junior POL23
12:25 | a general recall for juniors and FE in first start of race 5.
A correcton to result of masters race 4-the winner was Ron Ruiter NED 1111
12:10 | first finishers rce 4 Masters : DEN 173,POL40, LAT 13 ,EST 202
Race 5 for juniors /fe very soon
11:55 | first finishers race 4 youths- POL 18,NED 8, POL220, POL739,FRA14
11:43 | first upwind-POL739,POL18,FRA14,NED8
11:37 | race 4 for youths has started.the wind is steady 9 knots
11:35 | first finishers : FW Junior-POL23,NED777,GER220,GBR323
Fe- FRA 75,FRA 69, PER111
waiting for youth start
10.55 | five minutes to the warning signal for Junior and FE race 4.
9 knots in the starting area.
10.00 | skippers meeting – the forecast is better than yesterday, and more hopeful for sea breeze in the afternoon but at the moment we have only 5knts of wind on the course .The race crew are ready , first possible start 11.00