Dear friends,

I want to invite you all to probably one of the best events in the last five years of South America. The South American Championships will be held in the Patagonia Argentina, well known as one of the most beautiful places in earth. The event will take part from the 10th to the 19th of March.

We will have several disciplines: RSX, Formula, Slalom and Freestyle. This will gather around 300 hundred competitors from Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Uruguay, Peru and Colombia plus many of the best riders of the moment such as Ross Williams and many Olympic Teams from all over the world.

Being one of the first events of the year is a great opportunity to check out the performance of all latest equipments and meet many pro’s as well.

Aerolineas Argentinas is one of the main sponsors and offers free excess baggage on any of their flights from Europe, US and South America.

F2 is one of the other main sponsors and there will give the full range of boards to test and is giving two boards to raffle as well.

Argentina is very cheap at the moment, 4 pesos to 1 euro, making it a great opportunity to escape from cold Europe or US, without spending much money.

Combining good water conditions, good races, beautiful place and many parties, I am sure you will have a great time down here

All the best from Argentina,

Gonzalo Costa Hoevel , ARG3,
