Ross Williams, GBR
Another windy day, we’ve got 4 races. I’m on my 10.0 all day, 68 finn, Little disappointed that I couldn’t win the first one, cause I’ve made a few mistakes, but I’m still up there, I still have good discards, so everything we will see tomorrow.
Keith Atkinson, GBR
We’ve got a big wind today, it was my favourite condition, I’ve been using my 9.0 RS:5 Neil Pryde and the starboard and I’m pretty happy with my setup. I also used 9.8 but it was too powered to me.
Antoine Albeau, FRA 192
I’ve won 2 races out of 4, I wasn’t very happy of the first race, because I was about 11th place. The wind was lighter, so I knew that maybe I will have a battle with Wojtek – and we did. In the last race Dennis Little managed to score a victory, but I’ve tried to do my best. For the first race I used 10.7 and it was little bit too small, so I took 11.6. I am happy after this day.
Dennis Littel,
All day I’ve screwed up, made a lot of mistakes and finally I had a good start, had a good sail and took the lead. Actually downwind I lost my position, but finally I was the first one in the finish line 5 meters before the next competitor.
Steve Allen, AUS 0
Well, the racing is going good, we have wind everyday. I have much fun here, I hope that I’ll win some race. Let see how we’ll get tomorrow. I have been using my 9.8 and 10.7
Wojtek Brzozowski, POL 10
I thought I was overearly, because I was above a line, so I came back around the mark, but I wasn’t overearly – in fact it was JayZ (POL 320), so I begun from the last position and finished in the 9th. The wind was light so I was supposed to win this race, because it was my conditions. But tomorrow it’s going to be a little bit lighter, so I hope it’s gonna be better for me, because today was to strong and I couldn’t managed, it was too much for me.
Jimmy Diaz,
This time I have been using my 11.0 North Sails the whole day, I’m actually very happy with the sail, I could have used my favourite wind and I managed to hold down to it when is superwindy. I’m pretty happy of my equipment, I used also F2 and Deboichei and it seems to be working very good, especially when it’s windy.
Bruno de Wannemaeker,
I’m happy since my plan is for the first time coming truth, I did 12 races – this is what I wanted to do.
Markus Poltenstein,
Hi Guys, I’m pretty disappointed, because I’m in the Silver fleet, I was in the beginning of the day disappointed, but then figured out, that it makes much more fun of the race, than in the Gold fleet, because in the first time in my life, I have seen only the mark belong all the race, and nobody else in front of me! I was so nice, you can’t believe. In the morning they send me into Silver fleet and I thought that it will be a really depresive day, but in relative this was one of the best day in my life!