This event take place here already 17th time always during the Carnival. It was really good atmosphere, music everywhere and very friendly people. Event was very big over 200 competitors from different yacht class(from optimist, laser, sunfish) and windsurfing(formula, mistral, formula expirence).
Forecast before event was pretty bad and lots of local riders focus on carnival, so we had just over 20 competitors in formula and formula experience.
Wind conditions were very good before event, but unfortunately on the first days of event the wind was too weak. Normally strong wind from east direction was slowing down, because see breeze from west was coming every day. We managed to make 1 race in light wind conditions 7-12 knots.
I won this race in front of Remi Villa FRA-7 (Starboard/Severne) and Gerald Pelleau FRA-17 (Starboard/NP). I,m realy happy with my result.
My new equipment works perfectly.:) Starboard 159 is much better then 158 is very fast downwind and pointing upwind like nothing else. I used also new Severne SSR 11.8 and 11.0 which are very light, stable and fast. I can not wait already for a season start.
Last day of competition was also last day of carnival so all competitors went for this party. It was really fun. It was black and red night and all men were dressed like a women.
All the best,
Michael Polanowski, POL-16