We had great conditions for slalom racing here in Leba. We had a perfect 15 to 20 knot side shore wind making it perfect for beach start action figure of 8 slalom finishing 4 rounds.

In the first 3 rounds I managed to win on my 7.8 NP RS4 and Fanatic 120L board with Deboichet 40cm fin ahead of Arnon on Fanatic and Michal on Starboard.

Then in the 4th round the wind dropped down to around 10 to 14 knots, this saw some of the positions changing with sailors scrambling to find larger equipment. Although I managed to get a good start getting clean wind to take the win with the same equipment as I had in the first rounds.

For the next day the wind dropped out completely.

Then on the last day we finally got some wind to run the Formula racing.

In the first Race I had an average start rounding the top mark in about 7th but then took a few guys back on the down wind to round the bottom mark in top 4. I then tacked off to the inside of the course where I felt it was much better. A few other guys followed me but I was the first one to get to the lift on the inside of the course and pulled out a huge lead to win the race ahead of Michal POL 16.

Then in the second race the wind was getting very light, and I rounded in 2nd around the top mark just after missing it and having to double take while young Robert 60kg odd on 10.7 NP was planning much easier than me and took the lead. Although I worked hard on the down wind to pull him back to regain the lead just as the race was cancelled due to lack of wind with many guys unable to plain.

The wind stayed away for quite some time until a small thunder storm came in bringing wind and rain. They waited 15 min for the worst part of the storm to pass and sent us back out to try to get more racing.

The wind was good for some time but just in the starting sequence the wind changed direction quite radically, so I started right on the pin end and was able to go almost directly to the windward mark taking the lead ahead of Michal and pulled out even more on the down wind but then found the race had been cancelled earlier due to the large wholes and shifted wind. The wind continued to drop leaving just the one race to stand for the Formula part of the contest.

I was very happy to be able to take the win in both disciplines, and enjoy some great slalom racing in the one day of good wind.

Best Regards,
