The 2004 AGM will take place during this years World Championship at Leba , in Poland .
Further details will be posted on the website at the end of June .
Member National Windsurfing Associations (NWA’s) should be preparing themselves , and their nominated delegate , for this very important meeting .
What should you be considering now ?
This year half of the elected Committee are required to stand down . They may offer themselves for re-election , but you may want to consider other nominations for a new committee .
Last years AGM voted for the introduction of Championship Rules and a Qualification System for major Championships .These have been formulated by your Committee and introduced this year . The details can be viewed on the Official Notice Board (ONB) pages of the class website . These documents need formal approval of this years AGM -or ammendment before approval . Please consider submissions for changes you wish to see to these documents .
The Special General Meeting of the Class convened at Torbole ,Garda during the 2004 Europeans approved the proposed revision of the existing Class Rules .This means a submission can be made to ISAF in November ,by the Class , for these Rules to be approved .The revision does not radically alter existing fundamental rules governing equipment used by the class -it does present them in the new ISAF Standard Class Rule (SCR ) format ,with some measurement rules omitted ,and minor additions . These 2005 Rules can be viewed on the website ONB .
However your Association may be considering some further changes to the Rules .A submission should be made to the Class Secretary (via IWA Office ) detailing the proposed change and the reasons WHY ? . These can then be circulated to all member NWA ‘s prior to the AGM with the full Agenda .
One further item that will appear on this years Agenda is the selection of the venues for 2005 (possibly 2006 ) Championships ,particularly Worlds and Europeans .Bids have been received , and possible interested organisers have been contacted regarding late applications .There are many issues surrounding the criteria governing the selection ,which to date have complicated the Committees ability to finalise contracts as speedily as would be preferred.
Your views on these issues , and submissions on any other topic , vital to the maintenance of a healthy and vibrant Class , are welcomed.
Ceri Williams .
IFWC Chairman.