Hello windsurfers,

It’s 2004, and Club Solutions is organising 2 windsurfing regattas in Weiden at the windiest lake in Austria, the Neusiedlersee, well known through the Windsurfing World Cup.
We are happy to see that the number of competitors at our events is increasing year by year.
Like last year, our sponsor Galbani is again hosting a cheese buffet for competitors on Saturday evening.

For entry and other details visit our website at www.windsurf.ws.

The “Galbani” Austian Race Tour is Part of the Formula Super Cup:
FSC 1 – 17-18.April – Torbole Italy
FSC 2 – 22.-23.May – Weiden/Neusiedlersee Austria
FSC 3 – 29.-31.May – Balatongyorok, Hungary
FSC 4 – 2.-8.August – Viganj, Croatia
FSC 5 – 11.-12.September – Novemlini, Czech Republik

FSC 6 – 2.-3.October – Weiden/Neusiedlersee, Austria

Hope to see you there

Dipl.-Ing.  Robert Angst
tel: + 43-676-305 33 00

C L U B      S O L U T I O N S
E v e n t   O r g a n i s a t i o n
www. c l u b s o l u t i o n s .at

1020  Wien;  Mayergasse  11
Fax:          + 43 – 1 – 269 90 08

GALBANI – Austrian Race Tour

You can find more infos, pics, NOR on www.windsurf.ws

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