Allen wins it on a tie breaker from McGain.

Only one race was attempted today in Sydney in extremely light winds and was abandoned 5 minutes into it.

After 8 races and two discards Steve Allen and Phil McGain were locked on points, but after the tie breaker was applied Steve Allen came away with the victory. Steve said, ” I’m really pleased to win my home countries Formula title, Phil really pushed me all the way, it’s great to see Formula so strong in Australia after not racing here for several years”. Jesper Vesterstrom finished strong in third place.

First Women was reigning Champion Anna Davis from Victoria who beat the Mistral specialist Allison Shreeve who recently started to sail Formula.

Sean Obrien headed up the youth division.

Masters was obviously won by Phil McGain with Dave Moorehead from Tasmania in second and Brett Morris in third position.

A great event with the final prizing giving held in the famous Fox Studio’s in downtown Sydney.

Special Thanks goes to Brett Morris for organizing the event along side the Australian Windsurfing Association.

For final results go to