Today, Sunday, we had some good conditions from North East. Started at 10 and made three races back to back. The wind was around 20 25 so people got there 9.8 ready. The first race I had a pretty good start on port with Porto Alegre top model Gabriel Starosta. We were fighting till the end followed by Wilhem and Paulon. The last downwind i manage to take a little further lead and Gabriel unluckily had some problems with the outhaul rope and lost to Wilhem.
So after the first race of the day and looking foward for four more, Gabriel, Wilhem and Paulon seemed to be the guys to fight for the title.
Second race, the wind picked up a little bit and Paulon showed some serious speed on his 9.8 NP and MikesLAb and manished to punish me. I got second and Wilhem with an unbelibeable come back, after crashing on the start, got third. Gabriel got 7 on that one.
The last race of the day I got a good lead on the firts mark as i went with more speed to the gust on the beach instead of climbing pointing. Paulon was there again and got a second, Wilhme third and Gabriel fourth.
The wind started to drop and after a brake we started the fourth race but it was abandon in the second lap because the wind dropped.
So final results were me on first, Wilhem in second and close Paulon in third. The event had 57 competitors and all really good, no beginers at all on the fleet. Next year the event is gonna be Fernando Norona,an island 300 hundred miles form Recife to open sea on Pernanbuco State. This place is known as one of the most beautifull places on the world. So this will make media come in and for sure will push Windsurfing again into the BOOM it used to be…
I am going back today to ARG on a couple of hours so i still have time to visit some places on the island,
cheers Gonzalo.