Day two
We had three races on wind steady 8 with gusts of 13. We battle on all three races between Wilhmen(BRA999), Paulon(BRA333), Marcilio(171) and me. I got the lead on all three and got three firsts. The second place had some good batteling and in the end Wilhem got three seconds. He came from behind and then in the last leg passed Marcilio three times. Paulon had some really good first upwinds but lost a little bit on the downwind when the wind dropped a bit. I am really impressed of the big fleet and good energy this guys have for the sport. Imagine that this race is bigger than many races in europe and its just for fun…we deffenitely should try to bring big events here and enjoy the good conditions.
Day three
Today we didnt race but tomorrow he forecast is looks really good so until the moment i am in first, Wilhem in second and Marcilio third.
Tomorrow i send you news of the final results…