16:31Women results after 3 races

16:15 – AP over A! End for today… please return for the results, comments and photos…

15:55 – Next anouncment for men at half past four

15:53 – Women race was cancelled

15:42Men results after 3 races and some shots from men racing

15:38 – Red flag up for women second race today

15:32 – Women finish line : POL-1, SUI-14, GBR-95

15:26 – Downwind mark : POL-1, SUI-14, GBR-93

15:21 – Upwind mark of women race : POL-1, SUI-14, GBR-93

15:11 – Karin in front of Dorota

15:09 – START!!!

15:03 – Red flag for the men race#3 is up! 6 minutes to the start…

14:44 – Men are returning to the beach and girls were send for the race#3…

14:40 – Men race#3. Finsh line: AUS-0,ISV-1,ISR-1,FRA-192,USA-34…

14:35 – Second downwind: AUS-0,ISR-1,ISV-1…wind 9-11 knots

14:28 – Downwind: AUS-0, ISV-1,FRA-192?..

14:24 – Upwind mark (12 knots): FRA-192,AUS-0…

14:20 – START and probably Ross OCS??

14:16 – Next start in 3 min!… Wind 10 knots..

14:11 – Start and … GENERAL RECALL!!!!!

14:05 – Red flag for the men race#3 was up!!!…

13:52 – Next men race soon …

13:43 – Men race#2: finish line: GBR-83,ARG-3,POR-5,

13:38 – second upwind: GBR-83,POR-5,NED-97…

13:31 – downwind mark: GBR-83,AUS-0…

13:26 – upwind mark: POR-5, CAN-1,GBR-38(?),AUS-0

13:21 – Start … OK!

13:15 – Red flag up! Men fleet race in 6 minutes….

13:05 – Unfortunately the wind is offshore so the race area is far from the beach…

13:00 – Z – is up! Wind 8-10 knots up to 12! Sequence for the men race#2 in a minutes… stay tuned…

12:17More shots from the morning

12:08 – 8-10 knots we’re preparing for racing

11:43 – Still waiting for wind

10:28A few morning shots

10:17 – Beautiful sun, flat water and totally no wind. We’re waiting. Dorota has ** birthday.