17:38Men race #1 results and Women after two races

17:08 – There was one general recall and after it the wind dropped below the limit and it’s finish for today.

16:47 – The sequence was stopped .. we do not why, mayby the wind shifts…

16:42 – Red flag is up for the men race #2…

16:27 – Next procedure for men at 16:45 wind: 8,5 to 11 knots …

16:23 – Next race for the men fleet soon. No more races for women today …

16:19 – Finish line: AUS-0,POL-10,GBR-83,ITA-456,ITA-1,USA-34,POL_16,NED-72,GBR-38,

16:12 – Second upwind: AUS-0,POL-10,GBR-83…

16:07 – Bottom mark: POL-10, GBR-83,AUS-0.,ITA-1,NED-72

16:05 – Upwind mark: POL-10, GBR-83…

16:04 – GER-10 has broken the fin and is now returning to the beach…

16:01 – Wind 10 – 11 knots…

15:59 – START!!!!! and OK!! no general recall! Men are on their way to the upwind mark!!!

15:48 – BFD : POL-124, NED-0

15:45 – Of course general recall

15:40 – Red flag is up for the mens race#1 …

15:21 – Z – is up! Next attempt for the mens race #1 … stay tuned..

15:14 – AP down for men

15:10 – We’re still waiting for the wind because ones it raise to 14 knots and then minute after drops to 5 knots.

14:55 – Women race #2 results

14:43 – AP on the mast! Wind dropped below the limit… Men race #1 is postponed…

14:26 – Women race#2 finish: GBR-93, and after 6 minutes..NED-166,POL-124(BFD),FRA-4,GBR-85,POL-126..POL-1

14:21 – Second upwind: GBR-93,NED-166…

14:19 – Women race #1 results

14:18 – Bottom mark: GBR-93,NED-166, POL-124 …

14:13 – First upwind mark: GBR-93, NED-166,POL-124 … Dorota has some problem… report from the water..

14:07 – POL-124 – BFD!..

14:02 – Wind 7-8 knots…

14:00 – Red flag is up for the women race #2…

13:35 – Women race#1:GBR-93, POL-1 and a big gap…NED-166,GBR-95, SUI-14,GER-215,

13:33 – GBR-93 and Dorota stii on the front … They will be on the finish line soon…

13:29 – Second upwind: GBR-93, POL-1,NED-166…

13:22 <- Bottom mark: NED-166,GBR-93,GBR-95,POL-1...
13:20 – Big mistake from Dorota! She went to the wrong mark!!! And she lost some positions…

13:14 – Upwind mark: POL-1,GBR-93,GBR-95,SUI-14…wind 8-9 knots…

13:05 – Girls started

12:59 – Red up for the women first race. Avg wind 13 knots.

12:42 – Z flag up for women race. The wind 9-13 knots. Check out a few pictures

12:37 – Men are postponed till 14:00 and girls are on stand by, chance for men to relax and have a lunch. The sun is coming out and there is a chance that forecast will come true in the afternoon.

12:19 – Wind drop once again below the limit .. AP is up… the racers were send to the beach..

12:14 – AP down and Red flag is up! 6 minutes for the start of the men fleet…

12:08 – It looks that wind dropped below the limit… AP is up on the Committee boat…

12:00 – Wind 10 knots. Sequence for the first men race in a few minutes. Finish line is very close to the beach .. hundreds spectators watching the preparation for the first start…

11:44 – Z flag up

11:39 – AP down for first men race

11:18 – the wind is about 6-7 knots and picking up