Date: 11 – 14 September 2003

Categories: open, master, super master, junior, female, experience

Location: “Vela na Praia” Project, Camburi Beach, Vitória-ES, Brazil

Sponsor: Secretaria Municipal de Esportes da Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória, Bic e Neilpryde

Local Support: Iate Clube do ES, Associaçao dos Velejadores de Camburi, Rede Gazeta de Comunicaçoes, Iate Náutica Windsurf and MGW Windsurf

Organization: “Projeto Vela na Praia”, Federaçao Capixaba de Iatismo

E-mail : Contact : Gláubert Benincá Coelho

Phone/Fax: 55 27 3227 7640

Mobile : 55 27 9982 5434


Leonardo Mulim Rebello


The regatta “Taça Cidade de Vitória” will take place the previous weekend (6th and 7th September). It is a very well organizated competition, that could work as good practice as it will take place on the same spot as the South-American Championship.

There will be Starboard boards available to be rented.