Day after day competitors arrives, and girls also, lots of girls!! Lucy Horwood, Amy Carter and Christine Jonshon are already here.

Of course Dorota S, Christine B, Verena F and Margit G will arrive in few days. I’m really happy because Karine Jaggy is coming for this event, and not with her freestyle equipment but with her formula one, I’ve never sailed with her, and I’m really impatient to do it…

This competition is going to be really interesting for girls, because there is a big level here, it will be a good train for the World’s!!!

I hope the wind will finally come, because everybody here is getting crazy, waiting for this #@§!%ľ* wind!!!!

Today the wind suddenly came, there was about 4,5nds and everybody was ready to go on the water, but after 5 minutes there was totally no wind!!!

It was a nice spectacle who shows how much we are all impatient to sail!!!

I feel ready for this event, I’m just waiting for Wednesday, and of course for the WIND!!!!!!!

Write you soon
