Tomorrow skippers meeting at 8:45!
…official entry list!!!

End for today. No races on the first day of FW Europeans… maybe tomorrow..
Wind is shifty and gusty. We are still on stand-by…
The wind is to shifty for racing. Race Committee sent all competitors to the beach…
We are waiting for wind to stabilise…
…before the first race

We just receive the news that the race was cancelled for mens and womens fleet. Wind dropped below the limit.

Sorry no news from the water.

First round: POL-16!,POL-10,FRA-192
Dog fight between Wojtek and Antoine! Wojtek at the lead at the moment.

Start OK!
Start for the men fleet!
Bad lack of Jarek Miarczynski (POL-127). He returned to the beach with broken sail!

Z flag is up! We hope for the first men race in 20 min. Ladies and youth fleet will start 6 minutes after men. The wind is picking up. Now 8-9 knots at the starting line. We have no chance for on-line reports from the water, but we will give you any info when it reach us here on the beach.

13:30 Skippers meeting…
119 competitors listen Race Director during the Skippers Meeting. The wind returned to south and … died. We have 6 to 8 knots on the racing area at the moment. All competitors waiting for Z flag to go up… Stay tuned…

Good morning from Douarnenez.
Warm, sunny morning here in Douarnenez Bay. Wind shift a little bit to East. At least 15 racers do not complete their registration. I saw some of them just arriving to the event site (see photo). The registration finish at 12:00, then we will have the Skippers Meeting and if the condition will be suitable for racing we will have a first possible start at 14:00. So stay tuned for more news from FW Europeans…

Marco (ITA-415) and Andrea (ITA-1)

Annick Gautier – the scorer (right) and the event office crew