125 Competitors and 15 Races in four days:

Dorota and Wojtek are dominating

Starboard and Neil Pryde win the manufacturers rankings

…prize giving

This regatta will enter the history of Windsurfing: Already before the first race the 125 competitors (108 men and 17 women) transferred this event into one of the biggest Euro-Cups and Formula Windsurfing events of all times. But then the reliable ora wind and the disciplined regatta team of the local club “Fraglia Vela Malcesine” realized breathtaking 15 races in the four days of the regatta which pushed several racers to their physical limits. So the Euro-Cup was able to continue his success.

Three races were sailed on the final day for each of the two fleets: men and women. The conditions were the same as all the other days before: The famous Ora wind arrived at the afternoon. In the beginning it is still light, shifting and unconsistent. But very fast the wind stabilizes and accelerates to gusts of almost 20 knots.

The first race was sailed in 13 to 15 knots. The Polish World Champion had already confirmed her victory at the regatta after the third day with twelve bullets in twelve races! So she decided to stay at the beach to follow the races from there. This opened the door for Margit Germany (AUT-88, Starboard, Gaastra) to surprise the spectators and her opponents with a victory. The second place brought another surprise: The young Sarah Hebert (NC-8, Starboard, Gaastra) scored her best result in the competition so far. The third place was occupied by Geraldine Jambert (FRA-115, Starboard, Gun Sails). In the men’s fleet the leader Wojtek Brzozowski (POL-10, Starboard, Neil Pryde) was able to overcome his weak moments from yesterday and finally ensured his victory in the regatta with a first place in this race. He was followed by the Fanatic rider Arnon Dagan (ISR-1, Fanatic, Neil Pryde)who got stronger and stronger during the regatta and was the winner of the third day. On the third position we found his team mate Pieter Bijl (NED-0, Fanatic, Neil Pryde) who is also sailing more and more consistent.

All races today were sailed without a break so the next race was started back to back. The wind accelerated to 17 knots and fired the Italian local Verena Fauster (ITA-31, Starboard, Gaastra) over the race course to her first victory. On her heals she had the German hot shot Christine Becker (GER-215, G-Sailbords, Gun Sails) and Margit Germany. In the mens fleet Wojtek enjoyed his dominance and scored his tenth triumph in the regatta. His Starboard team mate Andrea Cucchi (ITA-1, Starboard, Neil Pryde) was able to win the second place in front of the Polish youngster Michael Polanowski (POL-16, Starboard, Neil Pryde).

Directly the last race of the regatta was started. Verena scored another bullet with Geraldine Jambert and Margit Germany on her heals. In the men’s fleet the US windsurfing star Micah Buzianis (USA-34, Mistral North) was able to dominate this race, score a second victory and completely chance the result list of the event with this last race. He was followed by Ben van der Steen (NED-57, Fanatic, Neil Pryde) who had very varying results and managed to finish with a satisfying second place. The third place was won by Steve Allen (AUS-0, Fanatic, Neil Pryde) who had a very bad day so far and was able to return to his usual performance.

After the four days and fifteen (!) races with three discards Dorota Staszewska (POL-1, Starboard, Gaastra) has completely dominated the women’s fleet. With twelve victories and a total of 9,00 ponts she rightly deserved the triumph at the EC Malcesine. Verena Fauster (ITA-31, Starboard, Gaastra)was able to conquer the second place with 23,50 points in front of the youngster Christine Becker (GER-215, G-Sailboards, Gun Sails) from Germany with 36,00 points. On the fourth position we find Geraldine Jambert (FRA-115, Starboard, Gun Sails, 39,00 points) in front of Sarah Hebert (NC-6, Starboard, Gaastra, 53,00 points).

In the Men’s fleet Wojteks victory was also very clear. With ten victories and a total of 19,50 points he left no room for attacks of his opponents who were also fighting with each other. The best of them was Micah Buzianis (USA-34, Mistral, North Sails) who presented a consistent strong performance over the whole regatta with two victories and a total of 46,50 points. The third place was won by Andrea Cucchi (ITA-1, Starboard, Neil Pryde). The local used not only his knowledge about the tricky conditions on the Lake Garda, he presented also tremendous speed which assured a victory in one race and 46,64 points in the result list. Steve Allen (AUS-0, Fanatic, Neil Pryde) was a little bit unlucky on the last day after a solid performance over the first three days. Non the less he was able to defend the fourth place with 50,75 points against attacks from his team mate Pijter Bijl (NED-0, Fanatic, Neil Pryde) who was pushing from behind and has a total of 63,27 points.

In the manufacturers ranking – Boards Starboard was able to strike back! After a second place in the EC Porto Santo/Madeira they attacked with brute force and sent an impressing fleet to Malcesine. With their top scorers Wojtek, Andrea Cucchi and Michael Polanowski (POL-16, Starboard, Neil Pryde) the collected a total of 353 points and got the victory at the second Euro-Cup of the season. Fanatic has also increased their efforts but was a little bit unlucky this time but their top riders Steve Allen, Pieter Bijl and Arnon Dagan showed a great performance and collected 347 points ensuring a save second place. On the third position we find Mistral. It seems as if the legendary brand has got the message by sending their top racers from the USA to the regatta. Micah, Seth Besse (USA-64, Mistral, North Sails) and Yann Rifflet (FRA-717, Mistral) won 293 points. The Swiss brand AHD was able to defend the fourth position against F2. Some of the brands are still suffering a serious lack of strong racers to represent them in a strong way.

In the manufacturers ranking – Sails we see a complete domination of Neil Pryde. 7 out of the Top-10 are using Neil Pryde Sails and their top scorers Woijtek, Andrea and Steve Allen collected almost the maximum with 355 points. The second position brought a big surprise: The efforts North Sails has put into the regatta paid of! By sending enough top racers they were able to win 317 points which gives them a prestigious triumph over Gaastra. The sails of the FW World Champion are suffering from some problems in the regatta. Too few top racers are sponsored by this brand and some of their top racers like Kevin Pritchard and Phil McGain were missing in Malcesine. So they had to rely only on Brian Roegild (DEN-173, Starboard, Gaastra), Ross Williams (GBR-83, Starboard, Gaastra) and Davis MacInnes (NZL-67, Starboard, Gaastra) giving them 314 points. YES Sails was able to defend the fourth position against Gun Sails.

The Windsurfing Euro-Cup Malcesine continued the success of the most important racing series of the World. The competitors had a lot of fun, were pushed to their physical limits and presented a spectacular show for the media and the spectators. Thousands of people followed the competition online. Mostly over the official EC Website www.euro-cup.org and the FW Class Website www.formulawindsurfing.org. But many other pages covered the event additionally. Several international Magazines will report over the Euro-Cup event in Malcesine/Lake Garda.

The next Windsurfing Euro-Cup will take place in Cagliari/Sardinia from Mai 29th to May 31st. Then all the top racers of the World will cross their swords in the hot Italian sun of the mediteranean island.

You can find more information, results, pictures etc. and follow the competitions online on the official Website of the Windsurfing Euro-Cup www.euro-cup.org and on the FW Class Website www.formulawindsurfing.org .