The wind is getting stronger! The first competitors are going to the water and planning. The regatta crew prepares to set up the course.

It is still dusty. But just like yesterday the Ora starts already to blow. Malcesine is really incredible. The wind is so reliable as we have never experienced before! If everything runs as the regatta team plans we will have another three races today back to back to have a “full house” with 15 races in four days!!!

Stay tuned for great racing action!
In the meantime you can enjoy the Gallery with impressions from yesterdays racing!

Yesterday evening the sponsor “Matador” and the organizing club “Fraglia Vela Malchesine” have invited all the competitors to a big event Party at the “Speckstube”. It was really great with perfect atmosphere and no limits on food and beer. Everybody enjoyed the chance to relax after the exhausting days. Here you have a small picture gallery from the party.

Good Morning from the final day of the Windsurfing Euro-Cup Malcesine/Lake Garda!
Today we have almost the same fog and clouds like yesterday. OK, it is a little bit better as we can barely see the other border. So we wait for the Ora to return later to clear up the sky and to bring the nice southern breeze.