I am very stoked to win this event the way I did. I admitt since I joined Gaastra in March I had some butterflies in my stomach thinking wether equipment would suit me. To go out there with a different gear after three years of winning is a sort of new situation. I knew the sails were easy to handle, I knew I liked the new feeling. But I had no idea what happens when I arrive at the race. And it turned out to be going with the speed of a rocket (I mean small female rocket of course). I really regret not having Lucy Horwood and Christine Johnston here. English women were missed big at this event. But on the other hand we’ll meet just in few days at the Europeans and the show will begin all over again. I was training very hard last four months. It’s not easy to train in gym in between academic routine in a cold city of Warsaw. But in the moments like this it totally pays off.

I am definetely ready for everything this year and for everyone who wants to challege me. I want to take this opportunity to thank the top people of this year’s EC in Malcesine – the organizer and the race director Claudio. I think you guys should be writing a manual for all the race organizers out there in the World. I think the 17 women fleet confirms that the efforts of working with female part of the sport is not the waste of time. Please keep on doing good job and we will come in bigger number next year. With the formula perfect 15 knots,lake Garda mellow waters, sun and dozens of smiling faces around, this was one of the best event I’ve done in my life. Thanks!

